Labor Day!

Today was a good day. elsaf‘s dogs got me up by 8am while Elsa was baking home made cinnamon rolls. Mmmm! judiang also managed to wake up in time for the rolls – they were very tasty!

While Elsa worked at getting lunch ready (her folks, brother, and Ardath were all joining us for a grill out), I worked on packing and cleaning up the airbed. Around 11am, folks started showing up. We had 7 people and 4 dogs hanging out in Elsa’s back yard. She made onion sammiches and her folks brought shrimp coctail as appetizers. The sammiches were quite nice. (Somebody famous invented ’em – Elsa will probably say who.) Meanwhile, there was a lamb in the grill (not a whole one, just the – heck, I dunno which bit. Bit that usually has a bone through it, but Elsa deboned it and stuffed it full of rosemary and garlic and stuff) and lots of items that folks brought along to share. Lunch was wonderful!

For dessert, Elsa grilled thick pineapple rings (with a marinade that she’ll probably describe) and we topped ’em with homemade Bailey’s Irish Cream Ice Cream. Yummy! Judi and I insisted upon extra ice cream.

After lunch, everyone sat around the patio talking and watching the dogs play (and sleep). Judi took a nap amidst it all. She’s amazing, really. But as 3 o’ clock loomed, people began to get their dishes and dogs and head off to home. I had no dishes or dogs, but I too got my gear together and headed off to home.

I’m in the process of getting a cold, I think, so the drive back wasn’t as pleasant as it could have been. I took a detour in Toledo to go to Media Play (though it took me a little while to remember how to get to it) and wake myself up. While there, I bought 3 Manga books (my first ever) for $20 and Shaolin Soccer for $14. I’ve been talking with timjr about Shaolin Soccer in his LJ. I watched a bit of it while eating supper – it’s definitely my kind of movie. 🙂 (Watching the Chinese original version with subtitles first. Then I’ll watch the hacked up and dubbed English version.)

When I got to Troy, I went to Walmart to buy milk and cold medicine, then to Fazoli’s for a club sub. Then home again to see my kitty! Now I’m going to head for bed early, doped up on Nyquil clone, and get up early tomorrow so that I can write out my lesson plans before school starts.

Apart from the developing cold, I had a wonderful weekend with the girls! Labor Day Weekend at Elsa’s is a fun tradition!

7 thoughts on “Labor Day!

  1. OMG I gotta see that movie. Sounds deliciously funny. *cackles some more* I wish I could parallel park that way. *giggles*

    1. OMG I gotta see that movie. Sounds deliciously funny. Just finished watching it – ’tis very funny. I’ll have to watch the US dubbed version next, but I think I’ll wait until after I watch season 1 of COLUMBO!

  2. there was a young lad of Versailles, who shot an arrow up into the skailles, it landed they say, in the midst of a fray, and in his lord majesty’s thailles.

    1. That poem sounds oddly familiar… 😉 It’s one of the Limericks I recited at the talent show for Amy’s wedding. That one, and my favorite from Columbo: A rare old bird is the pelican His bill holds more than his belly can He can keep in his beak Enough food for a week I’m damned if I know how the hell he can.

      1. haha, that one is great too. but, your limerick i posted was published in the same issue of flights as my mom. i forget which number.

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