My Political Post

I tend not to post politically. I’m not terribly good at articulating my thoughts on the matter. Basically, I distrust most politicians (“No Matter Who You Vote For, the Government Always Gets In”) and think schools should be better funded. I’m pro-choice, pro-LGBT, pro-goodness & niceness, anti-war and anti-mass-murdering-f*ckheads. And in this post, I’m going to put a link out that I think anyone who’s pro-Kerry or anti-Bush should check out. (And if you’re pro-Bush, maybe it’s best to just skip it.) It was written by elsaf and is funny and brilliant. Be sure to share it with your friends if you so desire.

The First Slacker’s Song, sung to the tune of “The First Lord’s Song” from HMS Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan.

Very funny, Elsa! Way to go!

I’m Trina Short and I approve this filk.

One thought on “My Political Post

  1. This is very funny. I find the Bush chorus in calico and sunbonnets quite amusing… Especially, when they tackle and pummel Ashcroft…

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