Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow…

Sorry about the bog-standard pun for my topic title. I went off to Famous Hair today (they were having a sale – only $7.99 per cut) to finally get my hair cut. I prefer short hair – easier to take care of in the morning. I wash it, brush it, and fuggedaboutit. My kind of low-maintenance hair.

I wondered what other folks thought about hair lengths. And decided to make a poll. As it looks rather long (even though it isn’t too long) I’ve put it behind an LJ cut. I was quite pleased with the number of responses to the family reunion survey (which you can still vote on or see the results here). Good to know I’m not the only one out there who likes to vote in surveys. I put the last choice in there for folks who wanted to clarify their votes, should they so desire to do so.

5 thoughts on “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow…

  1. Personally I don’t mind the price most times since I usually get something striking. I have a really good cutter and colorist. I never know what I’ll come out with, but I do know it will be something groovy. As for short hair. I bounce back and forth between short medium and long. Right now its short and I love the ease of getting ready. Just shake and go. And its wonderful not having to worry about how its gonna look after I’ve been riding my motorcycle.

  2. I didn’t know quite how to answer the questions, so I’m elaborating here. Currently my hair is the shortest it’s ever been. I’ve been tempted lately to grow it out again so I have more options with it and for a change of pace. The problem? I know my hair looks better shorter. Bleh. As far as I can tell, I don’t have any sort of correlation between hair types and people I find attractive. The big thing is whether or not the style suits the individual. Occasionally I do wonder if the prices hair stylists command are a bit steep. On the other hand, I have gone to the cheap places in the past and not been happy with the cuts I’ve received. These days I’m willing to fork over the money to get a decent haircut and (sometimes) color. Then of course I completely neglect my hair other than the wash-and-brush routine. Does this make me an fool?

    1. Does this make me an fool? I wouldn’t think so. There’s nothing wrong with getting a nice styling done, but then on your own sticking with what’s easiest. I personally don’t want to spend precious minutes in the morning styling my hair (I’d rather spend those minutes sleeping) and love the wash & brush method. So I certainly can’t fault others for doing the same. 🙂

  3. I keep mine long sort of for the same reason you keep yours short… I can just brush it and pull it back into a ponytail… then not worry about it. Haircuts are far too expensive, especially when all you want is a little bit trimmed off.

  4. I prefer my hair to be somewhere between very short and bald, although currently it is shoulder length. I have promised myself that after I finish my novel I can get it cut. So probably it will be very long eventually, haha. People (men) I find attractive usually have short-ish hair, but not shaved heads (although I do think women look good bald). Most of the hair places around here charge $11-$20, which is pretty reasonable, I think. I didn’t vote in the poll but I thought I’d comment. Whee. -Emily

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