Pointless Update

Ghost Light hasn’t arrived yet.

I’ve been listening to Chumbawamba’s Un all night.

Maybe we’ll swap the old Fileserver out with the new one this weekend.

Leo’s sleeping on the desk in front of the monitor.

Everyone in my chemistry and physics classes is passing.

I’m sleepy and going to go to bed early tonight.

4 thoughts on “Pointless Update

      1. So, in most of your posts, your succincter relaxes and you just spew out a bunch of words? 😉 (And that has to be the lamest joke I have ever made keying on the word sphincter I have ever made.) 😉

        1. So, in most of your posts, your succincter relaxes and you just spew out a bunch of words? 😉 *snerk* I was waiting for a response like that. 🙂

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