New Sylv Page Up!

In anticipation of Ghost Light‘s eventual arrival, I figured I really should create a page for The Curse of Fenric. It was the second SylvDoc DVD out in regions 1, 2 and 4. So that’s what I did today. I also updated Remembrance of the Daleks for prices and DVD comments. And updating to CSS. The main Doctor Who page on my site was also out of date, CSS-ways, so I updated it too (even mentioning the new series.)

As it’s the last day of September, I’ve just now decorated my computer for Halloween. (All I did was put a new desktop wallpaper up. My Halloween computer decorations aren’t as extensive as my Christmas computer decorations.) To get an idea of my Halloween Wallpaper, you can look at my Halloween icon. 🙂

8 thoughts on “New Sylv Page Up!

  1. Looking at your icon: I note you said “things that go bump in the dark.” The quote is actually: “From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us.” (Scottish prayer) 🙂

  2. I like your icon, and that Fenric page has spiffy pics. Hehe. Beard. You are wonderful. Magnificent. Teh Spiff! The photos you sent are on my wall and looking wonderful. *loves you very much*

    1. The photos you sent are on my wall and looking wonderful. *loves you very much* Yay! Glad they got there OK. 🙂 Happy soon-to-be birthday!

  3. If ever a Doctor was meant to have a beard, Sylvester McCoy was not he. I’m looking forward to getting this one; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it.

    1. If ever a Doctor was meant to have a beard, Sylvester McCoy was not he. *snerk* You and warinbabylon will have to agree to disagree, I guess. 🙂 I’m looking forward to getting this one; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. I’ll probably be getting it when it comes to Region 1. Oh, who am I kidding? I *will* be getting it when it comes to R1. It’ll make my 4th version of the story. NTSC VHS, PAL VHS, R2 DVD, and then R1 DVD. I think I finally got rid of my off air copy, at least.

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