Are you Good or Evil?

If you’ve always wondered whether you were Good or Evil, now you can find out. The Gematriculator will analyze the letters in your name (or a text passage or a webpage) and do some Gematria on it to find out. (Just so you know, I personally don’t believe in this and hope that those of you who do, if any, don’t hit me with sticks for playing around with it.)

Some interesting stats:

5 thoughts on “Are you Good or Evil?

  1. “Emily” is 99% good, but my nickname (“Lenny”) is 50/50. Personally I agree with you about this.. it looks like it’s using the Hebrew counting system (letters double as numbers and follow the pattern they give- aleph = 1, bet = 2 etc.). Interesting, considering that they also claim the Germantriculator uses the Finnish alphabet. This is an interesting cross-linguistic hash-up. hm. -em

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