This is my theory. That is to say, this theory, that is mine, is mine.

This theory, which is my theory on the Edwards/Cheney relationship, is my theory. What it is, this theory of mine, is that John Edwards, who is 51 (not a theory) is linked to Dick Cheney, who is 63 (also not a theory). That is, they are linked in my theory that is this.

OK, so I’m getting a bit tired with the Anne Elk style of stating my theories. I apologize to those of you who are also tired of it. It’s like trying to write dialog for Mojo Jojo.

Anyhoo, I thought of this on my way home from work. John Edwards is 51, but doesn’t look a day over 35. Dick Cheney is 63 but doesn’t look a day under 75. The two of them really don’t seem to like each other. And I think I’ve figured out why. You know how Dorian Gray had a portrait of himself which aged while he didn’t? Well, I think that as Edwards ages, the years get put upon Cheney instead. So Edwards stays looking young, but Cheney gets to looking older and older. No *wonder* he doesn’t care for Edwards! That’s gotta be aggravating!

6 thoughts on “This is my theory. That is to say, this theory, that is mine, is mine.

    1. Well, I hate to say it, but these are the times when even Literary characters will find themselves dragged through the mud that is politics. It’s a sad thing, I’ll admit, but it happens.

  1. And I think I’ve figured out why. You know how Dorian Gray had a portrait of himself which aged while he didn’t? Well, I think that as Edwards ages, the years get put upon Cheney instead. So Edwards stays looking young, but Cheney gets to looking older and older. *squeal* Brilliant! Yes, by smiles alone, I would vote for Edwards. Proving that Shallow Reasons work.

    1. Yes, by smiles alone, I would vote for Edwards. Proving that Shallow Reasons work. Heh – he does have a nice smile. But geez, the guy seems way to eager. You wanna say “Calm DOWN, Johnny!”

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