No Dead Servers Today!

Yay! I was beginning to think that Mondays really hated me, but today when I went into work, I discovered that none of the servers had crashed over the weekend and none of them crashed during the day, either. Woohoo!

I also managed to get the other third grade room done today. And finally managed (I think) to delete the malicious hitchhiker that has infected my laptop for far too long. (It kept changing its name, which makes it VERY hard to get rid of.) I didn’t want to turn off ZoneAlarm before I had it licked, and I couldn’t clone computers without turning off ZoneAlarm. (It’s all about sequins sequence.)

It’s chilly outside today, but it’s AUTUMN so I don’t really mind the chill. 🙂

I think I’ll have Mac & Cheese for supper (aka Kraft Dinner).

Nothing else to report.

5 thoughts on “No Dead Servers Today!

  1. I’m of the opinion that Mondays suck no matter how well they go. And I’d share my Shepperds Pie with you if you were closer to save you from having to eat a Kraft special.

    1. And I’d share my Shepperds Pie with you if you were closer Peppered with actual shepherd on top? to save you from having to eat a Kraft special. But I *like* Kraft Dinner. It was GOOD. And now I’m off to Granny’s for b-day cake and ice cream. 🙂

  2. Mm, mac & cheese. I think I actually had, um, coffee and potato chips for dinner while I was studying. Ah, college. -em (I friended you from this account, which is sort of attached to my main blog. This livejournal thing is a lot more complex than I’m used to. Anyway.)

    1. I think I actually had, um, coffee and potato chips for dinner while I was studying. Ah, college. Strangest meal I ever et at college was popcorn (microwaveable, of course) and hot chocolate. I’ve had stranger meals since then. I friended you from this account, which is sort of attached to my main blog. Ah, cool! This livejournal thing is a lot more complex than I’m used to. Heh – it’s the only sort of blogging that I know. I figure I got into LJ cuz I could have lots of Sylv icons. Works for me! 🙂

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