The Metric Avenger!

I designed the logo for my Metric Avenger costume tonight. With a suggestion from someone on IRC, I went with a blue cube motif. I’ve ironed it and my slogan onto the shirt and tomorrow I’ll make the cape. (And carve my pumpkin.) Thursday night is Beggar’s Night. (So I might wait until then to carve – hmmm…) Dunno why we never seem to have Trick Or Treat night on the actual holiday, but I’ve gotten used to it after all these years. Ho hum.

The Metric Avenger

8 thoughts on “The Metric Avenger!

    1. Beggar’s Night is the night when the little beggars come around and ask for candy. I understand that in most civilized parts of the world, Beggar’s Night and Halloween are the same night. For some reason, Rural Ohio doesn’t do that. Silly things! Day went well. Out of 6 egg drop contraptions today, 4 survived 3 of 3 drops, the other 2 survived 2 of 3 drops. 🙂

      1. Cool! I love the egg drop contraption stuff. That was always fun to watch. Oooo, two nights of candy? Or don’t they go trick or treating on Halloween?

        1. No, the silly buggers, er beggars, don’t get to trick or treat on Halloween. It’s very embarassing to admit this to my friends who actually know that Beggar’s Night = Halloween. It’s a dumb, dumb, dumb stupid rule, but it’s been that way all my life here. (I think one time recently we actually *did* get to Trick or Treat on the ACTUAL night. But that was rare.)

          1. You got me. I think it’s usually on a Thursday. So maybe the Thursday before Halloween? Why a Thursday? No frickin’ idea.

          2. 🙂 Thanks! I learn something new everyday! And thanks for the advice, I think I am going to do what you suggested.

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