Photo Challenge

gregmce posted a Photo Challenge that his friend todc created last Friday. It intrigued me, so I thought I’d give it a go as well. Here’s the challenge:

The requested photos are:

1. A view from a window: Show me what you see.
2. A reflection.
3. Some item you wore today.
4. Show me: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

View from my dining room window.

View from my dining room window. That tree is on my parent’s property. I have mentioned they were my neighbors, yes?

Reflection on a clean room...

Reflection on a clean room… OK, so when I was taking the picture, I was thinking “reflection” in physics terms, hence the mirror. When I did go to the original LJ post, I discovered it was meant to be something like a self-reflection. Still, I wanted to show off the artwork that I’d recently hung. Perhaps I can think of it as a reflection on hanging up artwork… (Note the cat… where he’d come from? Notice I didn’t fix his eyes – there’s reflection there as well. Heh.)

Goofy watch.

My Goofy watch! This was a Christmas present from Amy from many years ago. I still wear it and it still goes backwards. Thanks, sissy!

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

As I was thinking about this challenge, I realized that my three recently hung portraits over my bed would take care of 3 of the 4. So I hunted around and managed to find the fourth object to add to my photo. Something Old: [far left] photo of Peter Falk from The Cheap Detective. Something New: [far right] Ink drawing of Sylvester McCoy by dark_pheonix – see, I told you it was a great piece of art! Something borrowed: [bottom right] foot stool that I borrowed from my folks years ago and still use. It does *not* sit on my bed’s headboard usually. That was just for this photo. (Leo loves to play with it, actually.) Something blue: [center] Another great Christmas present from my sister. Eric Idle performed in Minneapolis shortly before my folks and I went there for Thanksgiving last year. Amy, ahem, rescued the poster from a cafe/restaurant she saw it at and had it framed. And gave it to me for Christmas last year. I love my sissy. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Photo Challenge

  1. Ultimately reflection is how you interpret it; Tod reflected on himself, the person he took it from has a literal reflection, and I put both into mine, but I think all three are valid… …although Leo’s eyes scare me! 🙂

    1. …although Leo’s eyes scare me! The Demon Cat of Church Street! (Who’s currently sleeping in front of the monitor. Awwwwww!)

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