Through the Ages Meme

Gakked from carmen_lj.

Ten years ago, I: (age 23)
1. Was in my second year of teaching.
2. Was *not* a computer geek.
3. Had yet to get onto the Internet (apart from a little dabbling at uni).

Five years ago, I: (age 28)
1. Had been to England – more than once!
2. Owned my own home. 🙂
3. Didn’t have a cat, yet. *sniff*

One year ago, I: (age 32)
1. Went to MN for Thanksgiving with my folks (to hang with Amy & Rachel)
2. Started my LiveJournal.
3. Had recently seen Sylv in Noises Off.

So far this year, I: (age 33)
1. Was the toast-giver at my sister’s wedding.
2. Saw Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann at the same con.
3. Celebrated my birthday and the New Year at Disney World.

Yesterday, I:
1. Ordered a Chipotle burrito from the band director (for supper tonight).
2. Fixed the CCC lab simply by going to the third floor.
3. Played some Diablo II.

Today, I:
1. Forgot to bring home my Chipotle burrito for supper tonight (will try again tomorrow).
2. Went to the staff meeting.
3. Played some Diablo II.

Tomorrow, I will:
1. Hopefully have a Chipotle burrito for supper.
2. Go to ITEC with dad in the afternoon.
3. Apologize to some students who wanted to film in the lab tomorrow after school, but can’t because I’m going to ITEC in the afternoon.

In one year, I will: (age 34)
1. Be a licensed Ohio teacher, instead of a certificated Ohio teacher. (Doncha hate it when they change the rules of the game during play?)
2. Possibly have seen Sylv on stage in Arsenic & Old Lace.
3. Have been to Tuscany. 🙂

In five years, I will: (age 38)
1. Be teaching and teching still.
2. Have a cool finished basement with pool table and everything! (Yeah, dream on!)
3. Have a new car that’s better than today’s hybrids.

I think for us older fogies doing the meme, they should have a “Twenty years ago, I:” section. I was 13 at the time and hadn’t even seen this Sylvester McCoy dude. I was a big-time Tomorrow People fan who was missing the show terribly. And I lived at home with my folks & sister. Exciting, eh? 🙂

4 thoughts on “Through the Ages Meme

  1. One year ago, I: (age 32) 1. Went to MN for Thanksgiving with my folks (to hang with Amy & Rachel) Your folks are in MN too? Are *you* anywhere near MN? We should meet up sometime! Maybe do that Daria-thon and Doritos thing we talked about…

    1. No, my folks are my next-door neighbors. Last year, the three of us flew together (first time) up to MN to stay with Amy & Rachel (my little sister and her partner) for Thanksgiving. They live in Minneapolis. We live in Ohio. Perhaps we can get together some time when I next visit Amy. (She loves Daria too. 😉

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