
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate or wish you celebrated it! I got up in time to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (and see some of Chicago’s parade getting ready – just outside judiang‘s apartment!) While the Today Show and then Macy’s Parade were playing, I made the cheese ball and then the souffle (though I still needed to mold the balls and bake the souffle) and cleaned up as I went. Judi got up sometime after 10am and took Lance for walkies. Breakfast was Special K Vanilla Almond cereal (yum!). Judi made the cake and soon she and I started work on the stuffing.

As I mentioned yesterday, barbthebrazen gave Judi a recipe for wild mushroom stuffing and we did our best to follow it. And it tastes great, so we must have done something right. 🙂 We stuffed the smoked turkey (which was full of smoked turkey juice) with the stuffing, and wrapped it in foil and it’s now “reheating.” The souffle is in the oven as well – hopefully that will turn out well! My reputation is on the line! 😉

Unfortunately, Marion will be unable to attend our feast, so it’s just me, Judi, and Lance to eat all that food. I’d say “alas!” except it’s gonna be good eats and so I can’t complain there! (I am sorry, however, that Marion cannot attend – I’ll miss her at the con!)

Like elsaf, I’m going to take some time to write what I am thankful for.

I am blessed with a wonderful family (parents & little sissies) that is funny, loving, open-minded, loving, silly, kind, generous, and loving. 🙂

I have wonderful friends at work and online (virtual and real).

I have Leo, who is the greatest cat in the universe!

I have a job that I love that pays me enough so that I’m independently wealthy (or at least spend money as if that’s the case…)

I can travel all over the place and meet my friends, see my favorite actor perform, catch the sights, and make new friends.

I am healthy and happy and have been losing and/or maintaining my weight now for nearly a year.

This weekend, I’ll get to see many of my online friends and hopefully strenghthen some of those friendships.

I love that IRC, e-mail, Usenet, and LiveJournal have led me to many of these online friends.

Thanks to all of you for making my life wonderful! 🙂

Mmmmm, we’re gonna have a wonderful feast! Only another hour or so to go – woohoo!

8 thoughts on “Thanksgiving!

  1. Glad you guys enjoyed the recipe. Hope it turns out ok after cooking in the Turkey. Enjoyed sharing it with y’all. As for things I’m thankful for… if I listed them all it would take me most of the day and far more than my journal could contain. So I’ll just say that I’m thankful for a great many things in my life, both great and small. Have a great feast.

    1. The stuffing was even better after soaking in the juices of the smoked turkey. Wonderful, wonderful! Thanks for sharing your ideas. 🙂 (The feast, BTW, was great. Hope yours was just as great!)

      1. YAY! I’m glad it came out good. The great feast over at the parents house came out good as well. Even if I had to take it all over from my house. Was quite the carload. *grin* Glad you had a great time. *hugs*

    1. Sweet potato souffle – that’s the title of it. Whether or not it’s a REAL souffle, I’ll leave to the chefs to argue. But it was very yummy and I convinced Judi that there’s more than one way to cook a sweet potato. 😉

        1. It’s in your recipe book – the Short/Anderson Family Recipe Book (2000 edition). 🙂 (Man, I’m glad I gave that to you and Judi – it’s come in handy here, at least!)

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