Quick Post

If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal.

Meanwhile… judiang has photos of Paul McGann up on her website. I’ll send you to her journal where you can click on the link to the page. (And yeah, I did a quicky code for the page. If I’d had a couple more minutes, I’d’ve switched the font to Verdana, at least.)

One thought on “Quick Post

  1. I’m going to follow that link…If I don’t return by sundown, I will have fangirled myself into a pile of drool, so don’t try to rescue me. Oh god. How gorgeous can one human being get!? Oooh the hair. And a lovely coat. No! No! Random Sylv pic, please don’t load! I can’t take any more spiff! Arg! *explodes*

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