Judi’s Doing Better – YAY!

The good news, as my subject states, is that judiang is doing better today than she was last night. As I type this, she’s probably asleep in her apartment (and if she’s not, then she’d better get herself back to bed PRONTO!) I just got home about 20 minutes ago or so and Leo is very happy to see me. (He was waiting in my front window for me and when I drove up, he met me at the back door. For a cat, he has many dog-like tendencies!)

Last night, miz_em and hergrace offered elsaf and I the use of the hospitality suite which they rented for the McGann Fan gathering. Thinking that Judi needed to have a monopoly on the bathroom all evening, we took them up on the offer and slept there instead of in our room. It had a lovely king sized bed that Elsa, Lance and I could all fit on with room to spare. I got up this morning at 6:30, showered, and checked on Judi. She assured me she was feeling much better in the morning and I even got a few smiles and laughs out of her. Lance was happy to see her as well. (He was such a good dog on this trip!)

We got everything out of the two rooms and down to the lobby where I checked out, got a hug from Lynn (I swear I’m not contageous! At least, I’d bloody well NOT be), and hugged Judi goodbye. The shuttle to the airport was departing and I got on it in time. And then saw Elsa walk by, so I asked the driver if he’d stop for a second so that I could hug my friend good-bye. He obliged and I hugged Elsa before departing for the airport. Thankfully, everything was uneventful for the airport stay and airplane trip. And here I is, ready to start decorating for that thing we call Christmas!

I’ll have to sort through my photos that I took in order to get a page together for this convention, much like I did for the Gallifrey Convention in Feburary. Stay tuned to here or the PMEB mailing lists for the eventual link.

I had a blast at the con, met many wonderful friends, made some new friends, and enjoyed myself immensely. Thanks to all of you that I got to see while at the con – it was fun! Let’s do it again sometime. And for those of you who were unable to attend, maybe you’ll be able to join us then. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Judi’s Doing Better – YAY!

  1. Thanks for the writeup on the con, I’ve been reading the PMEB list, Miz Em’s boards, and your messages. The Lance incident made me laugh – Judi actually got Pauly to sign her dog’s t shirt 🙂 Her timing on getting sick was kind of ppor though, glad to hear she’s getting over it. Missed you all but thanks for sharing so we all can enjoy! Gail

  2. Thanks for the writeup on the con, I’ve been reading the PMEB list, Miz Em’s boards, and your messages. The Lance incident made me laugh – Judi actually got Pauly to sign her dog’s t shirt 🙂 Her timing on getting sick was kind of poor though, glad to hear she’s getting over it. Missed you all but thanks for sharing so we all can enjoy! Gail

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