The School Concert

Tonight I went to our school Christmas concert. (It might be called something more PC than that, but that’s what it is, let’s be truthful here.) Back when I was in school, the Christmas concert consisted of singing from 1st grade on up through 12th grade. The bands (6th grade, junior high, and high school) always had their Winter concert the week before us. Two traditions took place during this “all-in” concert. The first was the singing of the 12 Days of Christmas. 1st through 6th grade got each of the first 6 days of Christmas. (It was always a treat to be in the 5th grade cuz you got to sing FIVE GOLDEN RINGS! really loudly.) The junior high got the 7th day, the high school got the 8th, and they divided the audience into 4 groups for 9, 10, 11, and 12. This particular tradition no longer takes place because they divided the elementary and high school programs up. Now the choirs and bands perform at the same concert.

The other tradition that took place when I was in school still takes place today. That’s the finale with the high school choir singing “The Hallelujah Chorus” where they invite alumni who’ve sung the song before to come to the stage and join in. When I was in elementary, I used to watch the high school choir with awe. They were AMAZING! They wore formal clothes and they sang beautifully and there was usually a humorous song that they did, which was fun to watch. My freshman year in school, I got to be a part of that choir and I was extremely emotional about it. But I didn’t cry until my mom (and uncle, even) came to join us in singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” That was one of my most precious memories from high school.

I’ve since been one of the alumni who has come to sing with the choir. And I noticed something this year… Now, I’m a second soprano (to my mom’s first soprano and my sister’s alto), so some of the high notes in the Chorus are a bit of a strain. But for the most part, you gradually make your way up to those notes, and I was usually able to hit all but one or two. Tonight I discovered that I can’t hit even more notes. I really should learn the alto part! Eep! Maybe Amy can teach it to me.

The Christmas concert was the ending to a fun day. After school, the high school staff had a carry-in of snacks and sweets instead of our monthly staff meeting. That was quite pleasant – it’s fun to talk to my co-workers. And the eats were good. Then a few of us went off to High Marks (a school-themed restaurant in Troy) for supper. After the snacks after school, I opted on getting a nice Oriental chicken salad instead of something heavier. Then we returned to town for the concert. For some of my co-workers, this was the first time they’d been to it. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did!

Only two more “real” days of school this week. Physics are working on toothpick & glue bridges and tomorrow and Thursday they’ll have their catapult contest as well. (Normally this is held earlier in the year, but I’m really behind this year in both classes). Chemistry will have a test tomorrow or Thursday (depending on their lab day) and both classes are making Gak on Thursday. And Friday is Christmas Fun Day Spirit of Giving Day, so I’ll be watching over a room full of kids playing Euchre and other card games. (And I’ve got one student who’s promised to be my partner, so I should get to play as well – woot!) Yeah, yeah, hard week, no? Let’s hear it for having the ENTIRE WEEK OFF BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Hooray!

5 thoughts on “The School Concert

  1. I remember christmas plays from pre-school. I always got to be the sheep *yay!* I was the best at “baah”ing. Enjoy the christmasness and…Thankyou so very much for your lovely card and that magnificent signed picture! As my mother will testify, I didn’t stop dancing with glee for a good fifteen minutes. Huzzah for you!

    1. Wow! You got it already! I’m impressed. I think I mailed it on Saturday. Glad you enjoyed the photo! I thought you would. 🙂

  2. Now you’re reminding me of all my school concerts! We always divided the junior high/high school concert–band and choir–from the elementary–each grade and band & choirs–though. And we only sang the “Hallelujah Chorus” my–senior year, I think? How many students are at your school anyway?

    1. How many students are at your school anyway? Less than 600 in K-12. We’re all in one building, too. (There’s a preschool and the county’s high school aged Multiple Handicapped unit stationed there as well.) My town only has about 1200 people in it. Less than 2000 folks in the township.

      1. Hmm. I don’t know how many people lived in my township–the actual town itself is a strip along State Road 49 and has a church and the Oasis Bar (which has since changed its name but we’ve always known it as the Oasis) and Jake’s Feed. The school, when I graduated, still had a little less than 500 K-12 and were all sort of in the same building–it was more like three separate buildings all attached by the time I left, as they’d done extensive remodelling. It’s nice to hear from someone who’s coming from the same sort of small school, though–usually I hear about students graduating with classes bigger than my entire elementary, junior, and high school. 🙂

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