Advanced Cat Decorating/Birthday Wallpaper

Now, I thought Leo was helpful in putting up my Christmas tree, but my Aunt Becky just sent me a link for pictures of two cats who were even MORE helpful in the decorating of their tree. Click here for the cute cats as they help decorate.

In other news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, mindwarp!

As is customary for my fellow Sylv fans, I have for you, wallpaper! It’s most appropriate for the holiday season. 🙂

Sylv & Sophie celebrate Boxing Day.
The Doctor and Ace celebrate Boxing Day!

I sympathize with you, mindwarp, having a birthday so close to Christmas! Hope it was a great one!

2 thoughts on “Advanced Cat Decorating/Birthday Wallpaper

  1. Oooo great shot. Very cute. As for cats. I’ve broken mine of the habit of trying to help me cook, but I never could break them of the habit of trying to put pc’s together with me. If you find a hair in a PC, you can bet my cats have been doing their usual quality control.

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