Hooray! I’m back!

Yay! It’s about time! The Madcow cluster (which my LJ is apparently on) has finally been fixed. The last to get done. And it was done before 10pm PST tonight (which is when they originally figured it).

Of course, I don’t have anything, really, to say right now. I did earlier, when LJ was down, but I forget what it was now. 🙂

Ah well, back to cleaning the house & watching Monk!

5 thoughts on “Hooray! I’m back!

  1. Yeah I was on madcow too. Surprised me when it came up today. Woo! And like you I don’t have much to say. But I should probably make a post since its been over a month I think. *grin* And umm… I just love the random Sylv pictures. Today’s was from Leprechaun I think. Standing with the coffee cup.

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