Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Doh! I’ve forgotten to use my Sylv as Leprechaun icon in the build up to St. Patrick’s Day! So I shall use it now and wish all of you, whether you’re Irish, Scottish, German, or whatever a Happy St. Pat’s! (I’m Scottish & German but still wore green today. Why? Cuz if I dressed up in my tartan and killed all the Celts, I’d probably get fired. And also, since I work in a building where kindergarteners are, I’d best have green on today!)

2 thoughts on “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. On the other hand, if you banished all the snakes from the school, they might make you employee of the month.

    1. Well, the biology teacher would be pissed off, but yeah, folks would probably cheer. Where did I leave my pipe? *puts on colorful clothing* Oh wait, that’s for rats, isn’t it? Rats… (They fought the dogs and killed the cats. And bit the babies in the cradles. Ate the cheeses out of the vats and licked the soup from the cook’s own ladles!)

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