Send Your Photo Requests on a Postcard to…

gregmce had this neat meme in his journal on photo requests. I liked it enough that I’m gonna try it as well. (For one thing, it might get me to download the photos of my Chicago trip finally.) So, here’s what you do:

I will take a photo of whatever you ask me to – you decide what. It can be specific or open ended. I don’t have to appear in it (PLEASE PLEASE don’t make me appear in it). I shan’t do any naughty photos, however, cuz I’m a good gurl. 😉 And Leo’s just figured out how to talk just to request that I not take any photos of him in costume as anything. But other than those, I’ll do my damnedest to get the photos taken that you request. Go on, challenge me! I know you wanna!

In other news, I am now officially OLD! Because, dammit, the new Doctor Who is YOUNGER THAN ME! The Doctor’s not supposed to be younger than me! That’s only supposed to happen to elsaf or judiang!!!

Oh, and I’ll be out of the house this weekend with the parental units, so I won’t be taking any photos then. Probably. (Unless you want a photo of Marcus Borg of the Jesus Seminar – then I might be able to do that.)

8 thoughts on “Send Your Photo Requests on a Postcard to…

  1. Eccleston is younger than me, now (by a month and change, I think). But now… You mean, he’s getting younger as he gets older? Augh!! (though, fictionally, it makes sense, if regeneration is meant to replace an old, worn-out body with a not wornout body…

  2. What no naughty pics!!!!!!!!! well darn…hmmm how about a piccie of your DVDs? I’m afraid i’m with Elsa and Judi,now there’s 3 Doctors younger than me! oh the pain…the pain

  3. In other news, I am now officially OLD! Because, dammit, the new Doctor Who is YOUNGER THAN ME! The Doctor’s not supposed to be younger than me! I realized the other day that it won’t be so many years until I’m the same age Hartnell was when he started. Yep, feeling old. And how old is that David Tennant guy? Twelve?

  4. Ooh! I’m late, I know, but I have one!! I want you to take a picture of your favorite knicknack or toy in an outdoor location. But not just /any/ outdoor location. It has to be one where someone would have to look twice to notice said object. The exact location is up to you. Be creative. 🙂 How’s that?

  5. Hmmm. I want a picture of… …your favorite “decoration” in your home. Poster, Vase, whathaveyou. Somrething of that sort.

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