A Series of Fortunate Events

The weather’s been perfect. Today while walking through town, I thought “if anyone wants to sell a house in Pleasant Hill, all they need to do is have the prospective buyers walk to the post office and they’ll fall in love with this town.” And along one of my walks today, I saw many young people in tuxedos and formal dresses – yup, prom night! They sure clean up nice, our students! 🙂

Yesterday after work, the folks and I went to Sam’s Club (always an adventure). Before we shopped, however, mother and I timed it so that we could go out to eat for supper first. In honor of Mother’s Day, it was my treat. Mom picked Max & Erma’s (a Dayton chain – think TGIFriday’s or Applebee’s), so that’s where we ate. Mom got the featured cocktail (vodka, cranberry juice & grapefruit juice) and I got an amaretto sour (very good). I had cajun shrimp & pasta and we all shared freshly baked chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

At Sam’s Club, dad picked up a Linksys Router for the cottage at the Lake and mom bought herself an MP3/CD portable player (for exercising to audiobooks). And, having earlier cashed in a credit card rewards check for $50+, I bought books 4-8 of A Series of Unfortunate Events. When we were in Dayton two weekends ago, I bought books 1-3 and have completed them. I really enjoyed the books and decided I should get more. So I was delighted to see that Sam’s Club had them for $7.88 a piece. 🙂 Bye-bye $50, hello books! 🙂 We also got stuff for our Mother’s Day gathering at the Lake. Should be good.

This morning, I goofed off and played City of Heroin Heroes. And when mom called, I headed off to meet her at Curves for our Mother’s Day workout together. We then went on to Kroger’s for a few other supplies for the gathering. And afterwards, I was a bad gurl and got some General Tso’s at the Chinese take-away next to Kroger’s. After lunch, I snoozed and played on the computer and Leo & I went out for a bit in the sun. But at 6pm, the folks came around and I drove us all to a Louisiana Boil being held at a co-worker’s house.

The evening had lots of good food – gumbo on rice, crab legs, crawdads, mussels, shrimp, sausage, artichoke, corn on the cob, potatoes, carrots, etc. etc. and plenty of good conversation. Some folks who used to work at our school also arrived and it was great catching up with folks. When mom was nearly asleep and the mosquitoes had bitten my feet up good, we decided to head back. And then I got online to write up about stuff.

Tomorrow’s when we have all the Shorts over for Mother’s Day at the Lake. Should be some good times. I’ll be making ice cream. Gotta remember to make the liquid up tomorrow so that it’ll be cool by freezing time. (And we need to get salt & ice, too…)

To all of you mother’s out there – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

To my little sissy – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


3 thoughts on “A Series of Fortunate Events

  1. Crawdads??? Oy vey!! Happy Mother’s Day to your mum, and thanks for the happy wishes!!

  2. Thanks for the birthday greeting. It was a wonderful day. If you hadn’t heard, Rachel planned a surprise birthday party in Chicago–complete with calling my boss to get me the day off of work on Friday. It was fabulous. Incidentally, Max and Erma’s is a regional chain based out of Columbus, not Dayton. The original Max and Erma’s is in German Village in Columbus. At least it was seven years ago when I lived there . . .

    1. So, did you get your card yet? And be sure to get home in time tomorrow (the 10th) to get yours & Rachel’s package!!!! As for the Max & Erma’s thing – I was going to research that before sending the post (I couldn’t remember if it was actually Dayton or another Ohio city) but by the time I’d finished writing it, I forgot to go & research. Whoops! Thanks for the correction!

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