Post Op Update

Thanks to all for their kind & supporting comments on my last post re: wisdom teeth extraction.

The teeth are out. The gauze is being replaced every 15 minutes (or whenever I wake up). The Vicodin & Amoxacillin were taken at 3pm. I have a dull throb of pain, but nothing horrible. And I’ve slept through two movies so far. 🙂

Alfie, with Jude Law, I only rented for the eye candy. I missed most of the beginning but saw the end. Mmmmm, Jude Law. That’s all I wanted from that flick.

Team America, World Police. Ah, if only I’d been asleep during the big vomit scene. Still, the bits I saw were silly, violent, and fun.

I’ll go put on another flick & drift in and out of sleep again. They’re helping me sleep, which is good. And if I find any that I think I’d like to see again, well I have ’em until Tuesday!

20 thoughts on “Post Op Update

  1. Aww man, the vomit scene and the puppet porn were the only good things about Team America. Oh, and the theme music.

  2. Glad you’re feeling ok! And definitely do those salt rinses as often as they tell you to. Dry sockets are the yuck.

    1. The salt rinses come tomorrow, I believe. Says wait 24 hours before I rinse. Warm water & salt – yum yum! 😛

  3. We can’t call you “Toothsome Trina” any more! Oh… wait. We never did. 😉 You’ll be feeling fine tomorrow. You can’t eat solid food that soon, but that ache should have pretty much gone away. Unless you have complications (unlikely if you follow the instructions), the mouth heals very quickly.

    1. I had my first meal just a bit ago. Royal Chocolate Slim Fast shake. With ice. Not too shabby. That’s when I really noticed my GAPS! There’s gaps!!! My teeth now stop long before they used to stop! Wah!

  4. Look at it this way – now you’re done and don’t have to worry about it again! Like Elsa said, you’ll feel better tommorrow. Although you’ll probably be really sick of the taste of gauze. 🙂 Here’s to healing quickly and no dry sockets! (Trust me, they SUCK.)

    1. Already sick of the gauze. I’m pretty sure the bleeding has stopped, we’re in the oozing stage. Ewwww, oozing.

    1. Flying colors, but no souvenier teeth. So sad! Either I did ask to see my teeth & they said they weren’t able to show ’em to me, or I just *think* that I asked.

  5. Hey, how come yer alive? They had you sign all those waivers and things so it’s cool if yer not alive. Well, they had -me- sign ’em when my wisdom teeth came out. Maybe I didn’t take the hint 🙂

    1. Yeah, lots of waivers. And they make you pay before you go under the knife. I was hoping to stick dad with the $841 bill…

  6. Actually those salt water rinses feel pretty good. Remember — no blowing your nose! Nasty dry-socket! :-p Still, I’m glad I only had to have the upper ones out…or was it the lower?

  7. Poor gauze-changey Trina! *sends much sympathy and happiness to you* Hee hee, lovely random Sylv pic. *oggles*

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