Last day for Design my Jack-O’-Lantern Entries!

I’m sure folks are busy designing their lovely Jack-O’-Lanterns for me (heh), but I thought I should warn everyone there’s less than 24 hours to go. Tomorrow morning I’ll be posting the entries for voting. dark_pheonix has designed some real fun ones, so there will definitely be something to vote on. Hope to see some more designs as well.

Good luck in your designing and may the best pumpkin win! 😉

4 thoughts on “Last day for Design my Jack-O’-Lantern Entries!

  1. Um yes, this has little to do with your actual entry… but eep, I remember you from BLMBIFC way back when (when I er, posted more often)! Have friended you, if you don’t mind. 🙂

    1. Cool! Friended back, too. 🙂 Um, I hate to sound stupid (but I’m getting old, so I should get used to this), but what’s BLMBIFC? (Too many acronyms!)

      1. The old Bonnie Langford mailing list… I’m still on it, but I lurk a lot. I’m about 80% certain that you were on there too. Unless of course I’m remembering wrong and recognize your name from somewhere else… 😉

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