En Enero Hace Frio?

There’s a rumor going around that it’s January, but I’m not believing it. The other day, I walked home in the rain. Yesterday, it was almost 60°F and my lawn boy got a lot of work done on the shrubs in my yard. This morning? Thunderstorms.

This is Ohio, not Florida!

The rest of the month is currently forecast for temperatures in the 40s during the day. Good grief! Where’s my cold weather? Where’s my snow? What does this foretell for February? Will we have to have snow in April to make up for the loss of snow in January? I guess time will tell!

(The title of this post, btw, is from a poem we had to memorize in Spanish when I was in school. I only remember the first stanza. “En Enero, hace frio/En Febrero, tambien.” This means, in January it’s cold, in February, likewise. Must be some new definition of cold. 🙂

4 thoughts on “En Enero Hace Frio?

  1. That’s global warming for ya *headdesk* We had one day of snow before christams; for once the weather folks were right on the money *shock horror*. Christmas day it rained in the morning, which I’m fine with coz I like the rain, and if we can’t have snow at crimbo, at least *something* is falling from the sky 😀 Then the bloody sun came out *groan*. If I wanted to spend christmas in the sun, I’d go to Oz!!

  2. We’ve had typical March weather here in Minnesota for the past three weeks, with no end in sight. Jan 6-8 is usually the coldest stretch of the year, but instead of having highs of -4 F and such, it was closer to 40. They say yesterday’s weather was typical for March 27th or some such. 2nd warmest Minnesota January on record.

  3. Trina? There’s a sofa sleeper in our room at the hotel for Gally. We can get five in a room. If you would like to room with us, you’re more than welcome. I called today to check. I’d really like to meet you and felt bad about the room situation. Let me know. Email me at warinbabylon@yahoo.com. And don’t worry. I’ll take the sofa. 😀

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