When Cold Air & Warm Air Meet

The parental units and I are in Indianapolis right now, getting ready to attend another Jesus Seminar on the Road. We went to one back in November where I got to meet two of dad’s little Internet friends. Alas, Daryl Schmidt died March 23rd due to a very aggressive cancer. 🙁 Tonight I’ll get to see Bernard Brandon Scott again, but also get to finally meet Ed Beutner, one of dad’s “cronies.” I’ve heard quite a few stories about Ed, so I’m really looking forward to meeting him. Plus, the two of them will be talking about parables. And I like parables.

So, after dad and I returned from our monthly county tech meeting, mom drove us towards I70 to make our way to Indiana. We were driving down Hogpath Road and, according to mom’s car’s thermometer, it was 78°F. Suddenly, a storm came up on us and before the storm was over, the temperature had dropped down to 54°F! It was quite the frog strangler and there was hail larger than moth balls falling. It was rather impressive to watch. Mom got us through the bad weather and onto Indianapolis. And now we’re in a Baymont Inn that says it’s a La Quinta. Gee, I just love staying in hotels that change their identities on me! (Have I ever mentioned the time when I stayed in a Comfort Inn in London that became a home for refugees before I’d left it?)

The nice thing about this Baymont Inn is the free wireless Internet. Yay! I should be able to work some on my online class (which is over online classes) while we’re here.

9 thoughts on “When Cold Air & Warm Air Meet

    1. I never saw ’em myself. It’s just that when I checked into the hotel, it was a Comfort Inn. When I checked out, it was a home for refugees. They were surprised that I was booked for the time I was booked, but, hey, I was booked! 🙂

  1. Remember the hotel in Orlando where they came and changed all the telephone sheets in our room while we were out, and we were suddenly in a different hotel?

    1. OK, picture frogs sitting outside doing their usual croaking, mouths high in the air. Now imagine it raining – damned hard – so much so the frogs choke on all the water. That’s a frog strangler. 🙂 (OK, I’ve no idea if that’s where it got the name, but that’s always what I pictured…)

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