It was a very good day

judiang and I slept in late. After a light breakfast of Special K Vanilla Almond cereal, we went up to her swimming pool. I puttered around in the pool while Judi first watched from a distance and then later put her feet in the water. I did everything I could think of to convince her that she should get a swimsuit. It worked. 🙂

We walked to Howie’s for lunch (or rather, second breakfast) where I got an egg, cheese & bacon sammich on a bagel, plus hash browns and apple juice. Unfortunately, I’d left my CTA pass back in the apartment, so we walked back, double checked the time of elsaf‘s arrival, picked up my CTA pass, and then headed back into the city. Our destination = Target. Our target = Swimsuit!

I picked out several 2-piece swimsuits that Judi might like (not bikini – it’s these nice ones that look like 1-piece swimsuits but aren’t) and she eventually picked out the lesser of the evils. Which is good, cuz if she hadn’t I was going to have to go all Medieval on her ass and force her into one. We picked up beach towels (3 – one for her and one each for the “2 guests” she’s allowed to bring to the pool), sun screen, sun glasses for me, software for her, and then headed out.

A quick stop at Walgreens and then we were off on the Orange Line to Midway. Yup, it was nearing time for Elsa to arrive. Yay!

Elsa’s flight was on time and she arrived in baggage claim not long after landing. Waiting for her bag was the biggest wait, but it was the 15th one off her plane (yes, I counted) and we were soon on our way back.

First order of business – Elsa had to download the new Ep of Doctor Who. Once it was downloaded and a DVD was being built on my laptop, we took our bathing suits, left our dignity behind, and went for a swim. Judi’s first time in her swimming pool! She’s been here over a year, and it was her first time. She loved it. Yay!

We had a lovely time in the pool, watching our towels blow into the water was especially fun (well it was for me – mine was the only one that *didn’t* – heh!) We were there for over 45 minutes and had shown Judi a number of things that a non-swimmer can do in a pool. (The deepest end is 3’10”, so if Judi wants to drown, she’s gonna have to work awfully hard at it!)

We returned to the flat, dried, switched clothes, and then headed off to Taste of Chicago. It was time to GRAZE. And graze we did. I bought 3 sets of 11-tickets ($21) and wound up with only 4 tickets left. The girls had even fewere than I did. It was a successful venture in Foodsville. Here’s the bits that I had:

  • Steak taco from Taqueria Los Comales
  • Flan from Taqueria Los Comales
  • Pav bhaji with bread (hamburger bun, actually) from Arya Bhavan
  • Vegetarian Tomale from A Natural Harvest
  • Sauerkraut perogies from Kasia’s Deli
  • Mustard-fried catfish from B.J.’s Market & Bakery
  • Pad Thai from Star of Siam
  • Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream from Kitty O’Shea’s/Hilton Chicago
  • Pineapple sundae from Zephyr

Sounds like a lot (well, it WAS – and all good!) but I usually just get the “taste” portion. Only the flan and Bailey’s Irish Cream were regular sizes. (Still awfully small, though). Hoping to test many more items. There’s several new restaurants which have booths, so will have to check them out for sure. Yum!

Anyhoo, we tiredly returned from Taste and our feet/ankles/toes/knees were all waging war on us. But we got home, watched the new episode (wowie!) and then the David Tennant ep of Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased). (If Judi had a REAL DVD player, we could have watched Eurovision.)

‘Twas a fun and busy day. If our feet/ankles/toes/knees let us, we’ll do even more tomorrow.

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