
Back in October, I promised dark_pheonix a photo of Sylv for her birthday. I searched through my collection looking for something unique and just didn’t find “the one.” And as always happens, I eventually forgot about my quest. (Glad I haven’t been picked the find the Holy Grail or anything… Or maybe I have and I’ve forgotten about it…)

Anyhoo, the other day I was looking for a new background for my computer when I sorted through my “raw” scans (huge 600dpi+ files which I haven’t edited yet for wallpaper) and found “the one.” So, I present for dark_pheonix and other folks who enjoy a bit of Sylv, The Shangri-La Doctor!

2 thoughts on “Shangri-La

  1. Hehe, nice piccy. Have you seen the one where Gavrok dude is throttling Ken Dodd while Sylv pulls a funny-ass face? I wanna colour in Sylv’s stubble!!! This pic is ripe for ‘beardage’ :p

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