Watch out for brass monkey balls!

It’s cold outside. Very cold outside. And windy. And because of the cold and the wind and wind chills in the -20°F range, school is closed today. Yay!

OK, so I’d prefer it if it were lots of snow keeping us home, but staying home is nice regardless. The one drawback to this is that I’m not going in to the school to work on me own for a bit, which I’d do with lots of snow. It’s too damn cold out there to walk to school! So I shall stay home instead. 🙂

7 thoughts on “Watch out for brass monkey balls!

  1. Your cold icon looks like he’s sweating. Very cold here, too. Some of our schools have closed, but not that many. (Three districts of 21 in the county.) I have to go out and pick up prescriptions today, but I’m waiting as long as possible before I brave the cold. Meanwhile, Floyd has informed me that he’ll go out when he can see flowers in bloom.

    1. I was surprised to see Dayton Public close – they very rarely close. As for Floyd, I’ll bet he’s wishing you’d team him how to work that toilet thing. 😉

  2. The high on Saturday was negative seven. We might reach that today. This morning in the car on the way to work, I watched my breath freeze on my scarf. Then my glasses started frosting over. Then the mirror frosted over. Luckily Rachel thawed out long enough to drive. Wind chills got down to negative 40 over the weekend and will be close to that again today. Brrrr.

    1. Oh, I know you folks have it worse. I’m just glad that Ohioans are wimps. I stayed in and actually got the rest of my wood boards stained. Next up (when, I’ve no idea) is shellac. Then I get to coax dad over to actually build ’em. 🙂

    1. Pah! And who stayed home playing video games instead of playing in the snow? 😉 (And “I was sick!” isn’t a valid excuse to a snow fairy like you!)

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