Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone has (or had) a Happy Halloween!

We had Beggar’s Night last night, so tonight I’m free to do whatever I want. I think I’ll sleep or something. 😉 Only had 49 kids come for candy – which is 8 up from last year, but still pretty pathetic. The other side of the street got more action that my side did. Bummer. Still, my students were happy today – they got the leftover candy. 🙂

One thought on “Happy Halloween!

  1. Nobody does trick or treating in my suburb… Probably lack of community spirit, or simply Aussies can’t be bothered with it (lazy bunch we are :P). I am, however, going to a Halloween costume party this weekend. I’m turning all of the notes from my recent horrific group work experience into clothing, and am going as the most terrifying thing I’ve had to face all year – *dun dun dun* the spirit of group assignment work! 😀 (And yay for bribing students with candy! Thankfully, they still do it during University, so last week I got a lot of Mars Bars from tutors various :D)

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