The GPS Works!

I needed to get a few essentials this evening, so I decided to let my new Smartphone get me there. And it did a nice job. It did take me the more trafficy way, but it probably doesn’t know the short cut that I know. Heh.

The only thing I wish it had were some male voices. I now have it set to the female British voice, but I really liked the male British voice (Daniel, I think it was) when we used that Garmin device in Vermont. So, anyone got any spare .vpm files they’d like to send my way? 😉

I also got a phone call from the folks. They were on the train (en route for home, taking Amtrack on a sleeper train) waiting for a derailment ahead to be cleared. They were clearly enjoying themselves, which I think is great.

Surprisingly it’s only been the last few days when I’ve really missed ’em. Perhaps because I know they’re returning soon and I’m getting excited to see them again. I think I did a lot better on the missing them state of things than I originally thought. Guess maybe I am growing up! 😉

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