Happy Equinox!

Yay, it’s autumn! My favorite season. And we’ve got lovely weather this week (albeit a smidge warm during the early evening). And some of the trees have started their color change.

I’m feeling pretty good of late. I seem to have a handle on my college courses. I’m enjoying my classes at school. I got to go to some science workshops on Saturday where I learned some stuff, thought of several lab ideas, and won a doorprize. Free science, free food, and free prizes – those make me happy. (OK, so the doorprize was something for an elementary science teacher, but it was still cool winning it.)

The kids had a day off today while we teachers had inservice. So I got to have Panera for lunch. Yum! I’m pretty warn out from the inservice (meetings always wear me out more than a full day of working – I have NEVER figured that out), so I think I’ll head for bed early. And read. 🙂

Ah, it’s so lovely to sleep with open windows. And soon I’ll need the comforter when I sleep with open windows. Yay! Let’s hear it for autumn!

4 thoughts on “Happy Equinox!

  1. I saw an article earlier that said Sylv was going to have a part on a show called “Doctors” as a patient, playing an actor who used to play a time-traveling professor on a children’s show. The article is here. But you’d probably already seen that. 🙂

    1. Thanks! You’re right, I had heard about the cameo. Told Steph & Judi about it too when we met up over the weekend (when you had to work – bah, poor Elsa!) But if I hadn’t heard the news, your info would have alerted me. 🙂

  2. Heh, we’ve just embarked on a lovely spring – here’s a photo I took a couple of days ago of a tree on the Uni campus:

    Also, I concur – sleeping with open windows is indeed the best! I try to leave mine open even in the coldest conditions (I’m armed with two feather quilts, many woolen blankets and an electric blanket, woo!). P.S. Free science + free food = bliss!

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