Photos from Chicago (so far)

Wound up sending these photos from my phone via e-mail (a first for me). A little editing with GIMP and then time to post.

Elsa knits
Elsa knits

Elsa is knitting one of my socks. Very neat-o sock at that!

Patty Cake
Patty Cake

Judi’s new little girl, Patty Cake.

Zola Jones Designs
Zola Jones Designs

The storefront of Jason’s store, Zola Jones Designs.

Judi & Jason
Judi & Jason

Judi and Jason in Zola Jones.


The bar in Glenn’s Diner has a HUGE selection of cereal.

Elsa & Judi
Elsa & Judi

Elsa and Judi in Glenn’s Diner.

American Gothic on Tour
American Gothic on Tour

Has anyone seen the painting American Gothic lately? I think something’s missing from it. (Seen from the bus on the way down Michigan Ave.)

4 thoughts on “Photos from Chicago (so far)

  1. Patty Cake looks like a total sweetheart. And your friend’s store looks like a lot of fun. 🙂

    1. Patty is a sweetie, but also (sometimes) a stinker. Heh. I keep wanting to call her Lucy cuz she reminds me of my kitty. It was fab seeing Jason’s store. Lots of neat stuff inside.

  2. Between the photos and the earlier write-up, sounds like you’re having a great vacation! Woohoo! I looked at Jason’s website and his stuff on Etsy and he’s quite talented.

    1. Yup, definitely having a great vacation. 🙂 Jason is quite talented. And very neat. Judi was shocked when he talked about the projects he’d be working on later in the day since the shop was cleaned up even at the “project area.” I do miss his earlier work – Zola Jones t-shirts. (Silkscreen printed line drawings of his cat, Zola Jones.) But his current stuff is excellent and in demand. (He’s got some of his bags at the main Macy’s in Chicago.)

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