Last full Lake Day

We had another lovely day today. We didn’t stay up quite as late last night, so I got up a bit earlier today. After I’d had breakfast and was sitting reading stuff online, judiang came in fully dressed and said, to my great surprise, “I need you to take me to the store.” (Now to fully appreciate this, the only “store” I’d be taking her to is Wagner’s grocery. If you know Judi’s phobia of groceries as elsaf and I do, you’ll understand my surprise.) Turns out her ear wax was working overtime and we needed a solution (pun intended). That matter solved, we could continue our morning veg.

When lunch time arrived, I started up a fire and we burned some hot dogs. (Judi’s burned so much it fell in with the coals. I think I found the right thing cuz she says it didn’t taste woody at all.) Chex mix (homemade, of course) and baked beans complemented our burned eats.

We went for a little walk around this end of the Lake and Judi took a few photos. (She twitpic’d one, for those of you who follow her on Twitter – a nice shot of the channel near us.) But when we arrived back at the cottage, it was time to head to Piqua. We had some movie-watching to do.

Judi was somehow under the misapprehension that Elsa and I were saving up watching Harry Potter 6 until we reconvened later in the summer. I recall no such agreement and had seen the movie the day it came out. (Which I tweeted about and, I think, mentioned in LJ.) Elsa, of course, couldn’t join us and had seen it with her bro & s-i-l. But I was quite happy to go see it again. My folks hadn’t seen it yet either, so I invited them along. We met them at the theater and I bought us tickets. (Decided to treat everyone to “dinner and a movie” – the folks in thanks for letting us use the Lake, and Judi to congratulate her for her promotion at work.)

I really enjoyed the movie the first time around, and equally enjoyed it the second time. Since seeing it last, I’d reread books 6 and 7, so that was handy to have going in my mind. My mom’s only been following the series via the movies, so she was surprised by the SPOILER at the end. Both she and dad really liked it as well. Judi can speak for herself in her own LJ.

For dinner, I wanted to treat them all to Sakai, the local Japanese hibachi place. As with our time with Amy & Rachel in tow, we had Daniel san as our chef. He was excellent as always. Mom had scallops, dad had chicken, I had chicken & scallops, and Judi had steak & scallops. It was quite tasty. And very filling. We parted company with the parentals and headed back north. Now we’re vegging and geeking. (I had a bit of coconut ice cream awhile ago – just as good the second day!)

Tomorrow, alas, Judi heads back home. But it looks like we’ll have another fine morning to spend here at the Lake. Apart from a little rain last night (which happened while we were inside playing cards), the weather’s been perfect. Gonna be chilly tonight. (I like chilly nights!)

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