School Tour

Ages ago, I think mentioned that we’re having a new school built. It’s been fun watching the progress of the building. Our superintendent tries to hold tours for the staff and neighbors about every 2 weeks. Here are some photos from two tours exactly a month apart. Neat to see the progress. For more photos (not by me, but by the Super) visit our school website and check out the New Building Updates pages.

Construction Treen

Construction Treen

Let Construction Treen take you for a tour of the building.

Gymnasium, Sept.

Gymnasium, Sept.

The roof wasn’t on yet in September (8, 2009)…

Gymnasium, Oct.

Gymnasium, Oct.

… but a month later (October 8, 2009), roof! What a difference a month makes!

View of my new Laboratory, Sept.

View of my new Laboratory, Sept.

A shot toward the lab side of my classroom from September 8, 2009. The opening to the outside will be a floor to near ceiling window. The pipes sticking up from the floor are drains for my sinks, I believe.

Classroom side, Oct.

Classroom side, Oct.

A month later (October 8, 2009), the room is looking better. This is the classroom side of the room. The floor to near-ceiling window is boarded today.

Laboratory side, Oct.

Laboratory side, Oct.

The lab is looking good! The doorway beside the floor to near-ceiling window is to the storage room. (Oddly enough, there’s brick between my room and it, yet will be drywall between it and the biology room. What, they think we’d blow drywall down in chemistry? Heh heh heh.)

New mode of conveyance for students...

New mode of conveyance for students…

To help the elementary students get more exercise, the new building will have a new way for kids to get around. Ceiling mounted monkey bars! (Oh, OK, it’s conduit for the wiring. But I couldn’t help but think they looked like exciting monkey bars.)

The Secretarial Pool

The Secretarial Pool

I was amused to find this puddle in the exact spot where the secretaries will be in the new building. So *that’s* what a Secretarial Pool is! 🙂

4 thoughts on “School Tour

  1. /me *fwaps* Trina for the secretarial pool joke. *groan* Cool pictures. Hey, you look good in that hat – you should keep that look. . . . . Bwahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!! (okay, NOBODY looks good in a hard hat, but on you it looks better than on most.)

    1. Heh heh. Thanks for the compliment, but I think I’ll only wear it when necessary. 🙂 (I was, however, taken with the Day-Glo vest…)

  2. Those do look like monkey bars or gymnast rings. I hope the construction isn’t too loud in the background.

    1. Thankfully, my room is about as far away from the construction site as you can get and still be in the building. So I don’t hear anything. It also means I don’t get to see the development as often as others, but that’s OK. With Pat’s photos and our occasional tours, I’m getting a really good feel for it.

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