Thanksgiving 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you playing at home (or wherever)!

The kitties approve of the new Ikea furniture. Currently we are all sitting in the recliner and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Well, I’m watching it, Linus is watching me, and Lucy is sleeping with her head facing the TV.

I do think Linus suspects something about the old furniture – he spent a lot of time yesterday in the old pink recliner, which will make its way to mom & dad’s old garage later today.

Yesterday I enjoyed my day off mostly by cleaning the house, getting ready for the new furniture delivery, watching Fantastic Mr Fox, having Chinese fud for a late lunch, and more house cleaning. It was a good day.

As for Fantastic Mr Fox, I haven’t decided yet if I liked the movie or not. I enjoyed the animation, but my love of the original novel is affecting my feelings for the movie. Would I have enjoyed the movie had I not been a fan of the original book? Dunno yet. (Took me awhile to decide whether I liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – and it had two beloved predecessors to fight against. I finally decided I liked the movie but really didn’t care for Depp in the movie.)

Anyhoo, after the parade, I intend to decorate for Christmas. With one of the greatest movies ever – Miracle on 34th Street. Such a fine film! Tonight for supper we go to Aunt Becky’s for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m bringing a cheeseball which I did make and a peach pie which I didn’t.

I really need to get up, turn the heat up (since it’s set for Trina at Work mode), and get some breakfast. But Lucy looks so comfy! (Linus has since hopped off to do whatever it is Linus does.)

3 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2009

  1. That’s such a problem with film adaptations of books–I recently watched the original BBC production of The Other Boleyn Girl and was astounded to see that the Hollywood version actually was a great deal closer to the book (with the exception of the character of William Stafford, who was marginalized almost out of existence in the more recent version–thankfully the Beeb rendition got that part right, and Philip Glenister was pretty much exactly how I imagined that character when I was reading the book). Re: Charlie, like we said at SMAS–Deep Roy = win, Johnny Depp = fail (unusual for him. Well, he can’t hit it out of the park every time, eh?). Do your kitties behave with Christmas trees? I haven’t had one for the past twelve years because of how mine ran amok, but of course Dad plans on having one this year. *pre-emptive shudder*

    1. I’ve been well pleased with most of the other Dahl adaptations – indeed, Danny the Champion of the World is probably the best novel adaptation I’ve seen. Even Matilda, set in the US instead of England, worked OK because the spirit of the book was felt throughout the film. (And it’s a great film to watch if you’re having an awful time with a boss. That and 9 to 5 make a great release.) But Fox… I’m not sure yet. Regarding the cats & the tree… I’ve been making paper & foam ornaments the past couple of years thinking that if the kitties get after them, no worries. But this year I’m being bold. I’ve got my (admittedly cheap) glass ornaments up. Lucy was sleeping on the bed while I decorated, but Linus left it alone. He has, however, decided that the felt tree skirt is a great place to sit while licking his arse. Heh. Here’s hoping they don’t think anything of the tree this season.

  2. I wish “comfy pets” was a good excuse not to go to work. How could your employers possibly expect you to move a happy sleeping kitty?

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