Buh Bye 2009! Hola 2010!

Can you believe it? I’m 39 today! Pretty nifty.

This has been a very busy holiday. Been having a great time with my family and with elsaf and judiang.

Have seen Avatar and it was pretty amazing. I was a little nauseous afterward, but not enough to prevent my enjoyment. (I’ll probably not watch it in 3D again.)

We had a party last night at mom & dad’s clubhouse. Mucho fun and Judi was quite impressed. Declared it superior to the one in her apartment complex.

Currently watching the Rose Parade (nice of those folks in Pasadena to put on a parade for my birthday every year!) while cooking dinner. Pork and kraut are cooking in the oven, taters are boiling on the stove (to be mashed later), beer bread warming on the stove top. The folks, Amy, and Rachel will be coming around 1pm. Judi’s snoozing while I exclaim about neat floats. Elsa, alas, is driving home. She has to work later tonight.

After lunch, we’ll play with the Wii. Should be fun. (Beatles Rock Band is mucho fun!)

Oooooh! Bootiful float going by. Dragon! Got the International award.

Should get back to paying attention to the parade.

BTW, question for any Rock Band fans out there: Is there any way to get multiple nicknames in the game? Right now, when we pick instruments, they all say “trinalin1,” “trinalin2,” etc.

13 thoughts on “Buh Bye 2009! Hola 2010!

    1. Hard to believe that the ’71 club is just a year away from 40! But we’re all aging gracefully. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  1. I emailed you when I got home (I’m at work now), but now that I think of it, I’m not sure I hit send. It was definitely a “drive-by” email. I was home for less than 15 minutes before I had to leave for work. 🙂 But I am home safe and sound, and I had a great time. Thanks for having me, Trina!

  2. Happy Birthday ( 1 day late) Thanks for the coffee! Happy New Year! Tom and Ardath P.S. The puppies say “thanks for the biscuits”.

    1. Thanks for the Christmas & birthday gifts! And the chocolates! (My family have enjoyed them.) Hope you two (and the puppies) have a great 2010!

  3. I intentionally avoided the 3D cinema for Avatar due to nausea issues… 2D is perfectly excellent. Good to hear you had a great Christmas!

  4. Yet another Happy Birthday wish, Trina! I guess your school is getting ready to be back in session now, as is ours. Xander is finishing up his science fair project as we speak (he and Will launched a rocket 11 times today!) Hugs to your family and the kitties!

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