A Pleasant February

For some reason, February is usually my worst month of the year. You’d think a short month wouldn’t have such an affect on me, but it usually does.

Usually, it’s cloudy, rainy, cold, with little snow (but often with ice). We usually have few breaks in school at this time and spring break looks so far away. Valentine’s Day arrives and reminds me that I’m single and likely always will be (most months this isn’t a problem, but add that to a dreary mood and there ya go). Past couple of years have had my folks in California.

But this year it’s been a good February. The Olympics, of course, is a mood improver for me. We’ve had 6 days off due to SNOW (yesterday and today being Calamity Days 7 & 8). The folks may have moved last November, but only to the next town over. Heh. VD came & went with little fuss.

So this has been a good February. I like having a positive mood for February. Oh sure, I’ll be a little sad that we have no Spring Break this year, but hey, Feb’s almost over, and then it’s basically March and April and we’re done!

Today was especially indulgent. I watched the first curling match for the US today on TV, while also watching Great Britain’s first match on my laptop. And I’ve even been working toward my thesis. Go figure!

Women’s curling starts shortly. Woohoo! I’ll double-dip that as well. 🙂

2 thoughts on “A Pleasant February

  1. Especially given how hard you’ve been working on your thesis, I’m glad you’re being able to take some time off and actually have some fun during this typically-lousy month. BTW, the random trinabooks is showing Gregory Maguire’s Wicked and if I haven’t mentioned it before–and despite the fact that they’re totally not my kinda of thing (being both fiction and fantasy)–I really loved those books. Just a brilliant revisionist re-imagining, like certain tv shows that pop to mind. 🙂

    1. Especially given how hard you’ve been working on your thesis Heh heh. To quote my Advanced Problems Students “blog make me laff!” Poor Thesis is currently on hold until I can find some nonOlympics time. Pathetic to program your thesis work time around TV, but there ya go… Regarding Maguire, I’ve read three of his books so far, Ugly Stepsister, Wicked, and Son of a Witch. Although I like his stories, his writing is such a struggle for me to read. I really don’t know why. And turns out Son of a Witch was absolutely forgettable to me. I remember NOTHING about it, but I know I finished it. Very odd. Wicked is currently playing in Dayton. Would love to see it, but it’s only there a couple of weeks. (Edited to fix italics)

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