Web Page Update

LJ-icon-SylvI figured that as much as I’ve been crooning about the Christmas Panto that Sylv will be in this season, I ought to update my Sylv web page to indicate it. (And remove the “Book now” link for Noises Off, now that it’s finally finished its run.) I’m a new convert to the joys of Macromedia Dreamweaver. Before Dreamweaver, I did code in either Notepad or WebWeaver (which is like Notepad for HTML geeks). But the one thing I’d never gotten into, but wanted, was CSS. I got started in web design back when HTML2 was still prevalent. And it’s been hard losing some of my favorite code. *sniff* But CSS (Creative Style Sheets) are wonderful.

I will admit, I still don’t know how to write the CSS code (though I’m learning) but Dreamweaver’s able to do it all for me. So, slowly but surely, I’m converting my web pages over to CSS. The Sylv site gets the treatment first, in particular the Stage Page, which is what I’ve been updating the most lately. Feel free to comment on the new page style. (Eventually, all of the pages will have photo captions like the Stage Page has now.)

Current Mood: mood_energetic energetic
Current Music: “Rocky Raccoon” by The Beatles

Just testing!

LJ-icon-SylvThought I’d check out the Semagic posting tool. Always on the lookout for new things!

Oooooh! This is compatible with MusicMatch! I love it! I’ll take it!

Current Mood: mood_chipper accomplished
Current Music: “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)” by Beatles

Strange Dreams

Well, I said earlier that I was a bit sleepy, so I took an evening nap. And during this nap, I ended up having a very odd dream. (Is there such a thing as an un-odd dream?)

It played upon some “current in the brain” thoughts, such as Thanksgiving coming up and my current DVD purchasing obsession. Then it added in some Doctor Who and Monty Python, for good measure. And as often occurs in my dreams, my family was involved. I’ll try my best to recreate it.

It’s Thanksgiving and we’re at my sister’s. (The folks and I are going to be flying to the Twin Cities to visit with Amy this year.) And for entertainment purposes, I’m showing off my new DVD purchase. Yes, it’s the new Doctor Who movie. I’ve been known to buy DVDs, sight unseen (Bend It Like Beckham being an example of a great one), but a Doctor Who movie sight unseen? And this particular Doctor Who movie was produced and written by Eric Idle (my favorite of the Python crowd, of course). The star? Well, the movie, as is wont to happen in my dream, starred the 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctors. Focusing mainly on Doc5 (Peter Davison) and Doc7 (Sylvester McCoy). Hey, if you’re gonna dream it, you’re gonna populate it with your favorite actors/characters, right?

So we all sit and watch the movie and it’s funny and entertaining (with some cringe-worthy moments, of course) and poor Colin Baker (Doc6) gets very little airtime. And there’s a side-plot about the daughter of some American General (played by someone like Tommy Lee Jones – the general, not the daughter) and her mother. And there’s an old little Japanese guy in it and I’m not sure what he was there for. My mom said she at first didn’t get that side-plot, but eventually figured it out that she was the daughter of the general. Dad said he really enjoyed it. No idea what Amy thought, even though this was supposedly at her place. Then I woke up to try and puzzle things out.

Well, I think the dream is an improvement over the Are You Being Served? dream I once had. I sometimes think my brain is truly f*cked up. But there ya go. 🙂

Current Mood: mood_confused confused
Current Music: “Tell Me What You See” by The Beatles

LJ Gender Tool

Hmmmm… Elsa had on her LJ page a LJ Gender Tool which analyzes one’s writing to determine their femininity/masculinity. Here’s my results:

LJ Snip - Gender Tool

Masculine, eh? I was feeling rather manly today. Think I’ll scratch and spit some. 😉

Current Mood: manly
Current Music: “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles

Hooray for Fridays

LJ-icon-SylvHooray for Fridays! Today was a good day. Chemistry watched more of the element videos that they made, physics was called off to a meeting about their upcoming graduation, and I got some tech stuff done. Then dad (the school’s tech coordinator – works 1 day a week) and I headed off to El Sombrero for the county tech meeting. Good food, great conversation, and much was learned by all. Now I’m a bit tired, I’m listening to Abbey Road, and I’m happy that it’s the weekend.


I have a cat. His name is Leo. He’s a bit over 2 years old and about 16lbs heavy. He’s a big cat. (Apparently, his brother Pooh is even bigger!) Leo was named so because when he was a bebe, he was all black and had a mane. So he was Leo the Black Lion. Now, this is what Donna, his surrogate mother, had named him. When I finally adopted him, she said I could name him whatever I wanted. But you see… (yes, folks, I will manage to get Sylvester McCoy into this journal entry as well…) in that terrible movie The Three Kinds of Heat, Sylv played a character who was latter discovered to be Leo Kalb, the head of Black Lion. So could I rename Leo after he’d already been named after a Sylvester McCoy character? Of course not!

Leo’s a real sweety. He’s very dog-like, so Judi even likes him. He loves to play fetch, and his current favorite toy (which varies often) is his Knob Gobblin. Yes, that sounds naughty, but it’s a monkey on a bungee cord that hangs on a door knob. And they’ve coated the toy in catnip scent or something. I’ve retied the Knob Gobblin’s bungee cord 3 times now to fix it’s breaks. And he still loves to play with it. Currently, he’s snoozing next to the monitor while the B-52s play.

In other news… Elsa and Judi are going to be heading off to England in January after all… Wah! No fair! I wanna go to England too! (OK, so Paul McGann in a play isn’t as much of a draw for me as Sylvester McCoy in a panto, but still! ‘Snot fair!) Being a teacher means I don’t have quite the vacation freedom that the girls have. (Newspaper editor and lawyer respectively). Of course, they don’t have 3 months of vacation… (Actually, as the network administrator as well as chem/phys teacher, I don’t really have 3 months of vacation either.)

So, I shall have to be very cross from January 7-12th while they’re off basking in the glory that is England… (Well, from Dec 29-Jan 3 all three of us will be basking in the glory that is DisneyWorld.) Maybe they can bring me back an autograph from McGann himself… (They didn’t do that on their last trip to see him, though.)

Current Mood: mood_envious envious
Current Music: “Love Shack” by The B-52s

Yay – it worked!

Well, what do you know, the first, er, second post actually worked! This new fangled technology is amazin’, I tell ya. 😉

So… Here’s the bit that I probably won’t be any good at – writing my thoughts. That’s cuz there’s nothing going on up there – ha!

I just commented on Elsa’s British Airlines dilemma (that prices are dirt cheap, we’ve got friends going to the UK in January, and she shouldn’t, but wants to go…) and ended up posting a link to an ad for Sylvester McCoy’s upcoming Panto production. And I thought it funny that I mentioned it there before I did in my actual post. For those who don’t know me (so, um, why you reading this?) I’m a major Sylvester McCoy fan. The only part of my website that I ever update, is my Sylvester McCoy section. (And it’s not very up to date, as it is.) So I’d better mention it here as well.

Sylvester McCoy will be in a pantomime production this Holiday season. Check out http://www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk/home.html for more details.

(PS, I just listening to all of my music by group in alphabetical order – it doesn’t mean that I listen to ABBA all the time!)

Current Mood: mood_weirdweird
Current Music: “Angeleyes” by ABBA

Second Attempt…

Thanks to Elsa, I now have a LiveJournal account. When I tried to put in an entry a couple of days ago, however, LiveJournal burped after I submitted. So even though this is my second time posting, this is my first post that shows up. If this one doesn’t go through, then I may have to face the fact that LJ and trinalin don’t mix. 🙂

Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: “Chiquitita” by ABBA