This has been a good March!

Happy First Day of Spring! May your daylight equal your night time today!

I tried to tell the seniors that after the holidays, time was gonna FLY. They didn’t believe me then, but I think they are beginning to. March is just zipping by. Though the days may seem normal (or even slow) you quickly realize how fast the months themselves are flying.

So here we are just past mid-March and things have been especially good to the Short household.

Last Thursday, as I reported here, I turned in my Thesis. (Thanks to all you well-wishers! Being done has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders!) My adviser has reviewed it and pronounced it “overall in good shape.” After this weekend, I’ll make the changes which he suggested and get a better discussion section (most of what I’d put in Discussion should have gone in the Findings, apparently).

On Monday, mom and dad closed on their old home. Yay, they sold it! And on Wednesday, they closed on their new house. And then on Thursday, Amy drove into town!

I’m currently at the parentals’ house with Amy. I took yesterday off work in order to hang with the family. (She’s worth getting a sub for.) We’ve been having mucho fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thursday, I got off work, did a bit more cleaning in my house (litter box, for example), then headed to Troy. Amy’s car (well, really Rachel’s car) was parked outside the house. Yay! Amy & Jason were there (she picked up Jason in Chicago and they drove down together). We took a walk around the neighborhood, then had supper. And then spent the evening playing games – Rummikub and Banagrams. Amy and Jason kicked butt.

Friday morning, Jason headed up to Shelby County to visit with his folks (in my car) and we headed to my house so Amy could look over the stuff she’ll be taking back with her. She sorted through her stuffed toys and we got 2 bags of stuffed toys to give to Good Will (and added a box of similar toys from my closet). Then we headed to Kent’s Wood Fired Steaks for lunch.

I’d told the folks last weekend that we needed to celebrate our recent successes and I wanted to take us all out for dinner. And we decided to wait til Amy was with us. So yesterday’s lunch was my treat. We all ordered steaks and an alcoholic beverage and the meal, as always, was lovely. Amy asked if she could contribute the tip, which I agreed to.

We popped into Kohl’s for a bit of shopping – Amy got gym shoes, I got travel PJs, and mom bought some outfits for our upcoming cruise (oh yea, we organized one of those this week too…) Then we dropped the stuffed critters at Good Will and headed home.

Amy filmed some old family photos with mom describing the people in the photos. And we discovered mom’s great at remembering uncles’ names, but aunts who married into the family, not so much. (I was just glad mom & dad had few siblings and thus Amy and I don’t have as many relatives to remember as they did.) We also went on another walk and this time got a couple of movies to watch from a Red Box in the Kroger’s behind their house.

Back at home, we watched Inglourious Basterds, which was a bizarre but entertaining (albeit icky at times) movie. Then we started Duplicity, but as people started to pass out due to exhaustion (or, rather, fall asleep), we decided to stop the movie and continue in the morning (or as it will turn out, afternoon, probably).

Today we’re off to Piqua for a little more shopping, then tonight we’ve invited mom’s brothers around for supper. Looks like neither may make it, but my cousin Patty ought to be able to. Tomorrow will be another game day with Aunt Becky and Deanna coming to play games, with Jason returning as well.

We know how to have fun in this family!

It’s off!

I have just e-mailed my Thesis draft to my adviser. Here’s hoping I did what I was supposed to do! I actually feel pretty good about the paper (except for the conclusion paragraph – I suck at those). Hope my prof agrees wit me (and more than just on the sucking conclusion).

Time to back it all up!

I know you are all curious…

The Thesis is WRITTEN!

Still need to finish editing, but I’m pretty sure it’s written in its entirety (with maybe a sentence or two in the conclusion if I think it needs ’em).

Tomorrow, I finish editing and then I turn the sucker in!


80 Questions

Since judiang did this meme, I thought I should as well. Watching the Gold Medal Match between Canada and Sweden for women’s curling. Go Canada! (Or Sweden!)

1. What curse word do you use the most?
The f-word (just ask the kitties).

2. Do you own an iPod?
No. I own two. An 80GB classic (almost full) and a 16GB Nano (purple).

3. What person on your flist do you talk to the most?
Online, it would be judiang & elsaf, but via phone calls, my sister. Seeing ’em in person is about even for all three. Heh.

4. What time is your alarm clock set to?
Mine has 2 time settings. I usually have it set for 6:30am, but the alternate time is 7:30am (for when we get a 2-hour delay, I always sleep in an hour more).

5. Do you still remember the first person you kissed?

6. Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001?
I was at work. The secretary told me that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center and we tried to access a news station on the Channel One TV in my room. (We weren’t successful – my room never got a decent cable signal.)

7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Much rather take the photo. Though I’ve taken photos with my shadow in it to prove I was there. ๐Ÿ™‚

8. What was the last movie you watched?
On DVD, Coraline. In the theater, Avatar.

9. Do any of your friends have children?
A few.

10. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
I often call myself lazy. I tell my students this all the time. Why else would I love chemical symbols and equations so much? ๐Ÿ˜‰

11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?
They never work for me, so why bother?

12. What cd is currently in your cd player?
My car has a CD/MP3 player and it currently has an MP3 CD in it. With an assortment of music. I just recently managed to purchase all of the David Tennant read audiobooks by Cressida Cowell (the Viking books), 3 out of 5 of which were CD (the other two, audio tape). But most of the time, I buy MP3 albums. (Just recently purchased a year’s subscription to Big Fish Doctor Who audios, so lots of stuff to download in the next year – woo!)

13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Actually, I’d prefer vanilla over chocolate or regular.

14. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
If I’d been told a secret, I wouldn’t tell you that I knew it… ๐Ÿ˜‰

15. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Probably since my last trip to Chicago. In this area, I’d prefer going to Boston Stoker over Starbucks.

16. Can you whistle?
Yup. Good at it, too.

17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Like Judi, the eyes.

18. What are you looking forward to?
Being done with my thesis.

19. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Yup, and I still watch cartoons today.

20. Do you own any band t-shirts?
I sit on a Squirrel Nut Zippers shirt in my den. (Old raggedy office chair. Shirt makes it a more comfy seat.) But I think that’s it.

21. What will you be doing in one hour?
The same as I’m doing now – watching the Olympics. (Hopefully no longer answering these questions.)

22. Is anyone in love with you?
No idea – probably not.

23. What was the last song you heard?
No idea. I finished listening to The Web of Fear earlier today. And then started listening to Fury from the Deep.

24. Last time you cried?
Don’t remember. I almost cried after Joannie Rochette performed her short program.

25. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?

27. Whatโ€™s the weather like?
Snowing. I’m staying at the parental’s tonight so I don’t have to drive in that again. Was an icky drive here.

28. Would you ever date a girl/guy covered in tattoos?
I’m more concerned about their personality than their decoration.

29. What did you do before this?
Had supper. We had Papa John’s pizza. Yum!

30. When is the last time you slept on the floor?
Back in ’96 when I was visiting Spigi. (I’ve slept near the floor a number of times since then.)

31. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
5-7 hours. Been at the minimum of late due to staying up for Olympics watching.

32. Do you eat breakfast daily?
Yeah, can’t function without it.

33. Are your days fast-paced?
Not particularly.

34. What did you do last night?
Watched Olympics with a kitty on my lap.

35. Do you use sarcasm?
I probably shouldn’t. My English teacher once told my sister that if she didn’t stop using sarcasm, she’d never get a guy. Turns out Rachel doesn’t mind Amy’s sarcasm. Heh.

36. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

37. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
For the most part. Also particular about pronunciation.

38. Have you ever been to six flags?
Nope, just King’s Island and Cedar Point.

39. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
Well, my two best friends are women, but I each lunch at work with the men. So I guess I’m even.

40. Do you like mustard?

41. Do you sleep on your side?
And on my back.

42. Do you watch the news?
Not if I can help it.

43. How did you get one of your scars?
4 years old, was playing with a chisel. Got 4 stitches on my left hand right behind my thumb. Apparently it didn’t hurt. Poobie poobie poobie.

44. Who was the last person to make you mad?
Hmmm, can’t remember.

45. Do you like anybody?

46. What is the last thing you purchased?
Either the year’s subscription to Big Fish or the audiobooks mentioned above. Both were purchased earlier this week.

47. What side of the heart do you draw first?
Had to think about that one. I believe I draw the right side first.

48. Can you dive without plugging your nose?

49. What colour is your razor?
White & purple.

50. What is your blood-type?
O positive.

51. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
No one, actually.

52. What is a rumour someone has spread about you?
A rumor at work was that I was gay. One of the other teachers explained to the kids spreading the rumor, “No, that’s her sister.”

53. How do you feel about carrots?
They are a wonderful thing to munch on during lunch.

54. How many chairs at the dining room table?
None. Although I have a dining room table, I don’t have any dining room chairs.

55. Which is the best Spice Girl?
Rosemary. Or maybe Sage.

56. What colour are your eyes?
Olive green.

57. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?

58. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Read a book on my phone. Though I’d first play a game of Euchre.

59. Whatโ€™s your favourite kind of gum?
Juicy fruit. But chewing gum locks my jaws, so I rarely chew it.

60. T or F: Allโ€™s fair in love and war?

61. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Just fangurl crushes.

62. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
Yup. This is brought home to me often when students are reviewing for their vocab tests during study hall. Heh.

63. Do you like to sleep?
Yes, especially with kittens piled on top of me.

64. Do you know which US states donโ€™t use Daylight Savings Time?
None of ’em right now. Thankfully DST doesn’t start til next month.

65. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
We actually studied it in junior high music class.

66. Do you want a bright yellow โ€˜06 mustang?
Not really.

67. Whatโ€™s something youโ€™ve always wanted?
I’ve usually managed to obtain what I’ve wanted. Although a pet dragon would be pretty nifty.

68. Do you have hairy LEGS?
Yes. Not close enough to summer to bother shaving.

69. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
A swimming pool. But then lake and finally ocean.

70. Do you wear a lot of black?
Yes, for work. For some reason, outfits in black are more prevalent in my size.

71. Describe your hair:
Mousy brown & short.

72. Do you have Entomophobia?

73. Are you an adult?
Physically yes. But still a child at heart.

74. Where is/are your best friend(s)?
In other states.

75. Do you have a tan?
Nope. Fish-belly white describes me well.

76. Are you a television addict?
During these Olympic games, yes. Otherwise, the TV i’s basically a DVD viewer for me.

77. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Yup. Spending time with her now. We’re both sitting on her sofa watching Olympics. Dad is also here.

78. Are you a sugar freak?
Unfortunately, yes.

79. Do you like orange juice?
Yes, but it doesn’t like me.

80. What sign are you?
“No Smoking”

Well, in the time it took me to write my answers, the curling match went to 11 ends and Sweden won the gold. Very exciting match. Tomorrow *sniff* I watch my last 2 curling matches until 2014.

Recipe Request

I love homemade Chex mix (though I rarely use Chex brand cereals to make it – thank goodness for generics). And I make it very well (if I do say so myself). ๐Ÿ™‚

However, I’d like to try something new, I think. So I’m asking you wonderful flist folk out there for your favorite savory snack mix recipes. High fiber would be wonderful, lower calorie/fat content would be good too. (One reason my Chex mix is so yummy, IMO, is that I use butter. Not low cal/low fat, but damn yummy.) I’m not adverse to a bit of sweet in it, but the main purpose of this is to accompany my packed lunches as a savory side with a bit of fiber.

So go on, wow me with your favorite recipes. My lunches could use a punch up. ๐Ÿ™‚

A Pleasant February

For some reason, February is usually my worst month of the year. You’d think a short month wouldn’t have such an affect on me, but it usually does.

Usually, it’s cloudy, rainy, cold, with little snow (but often with ice). We usually have few breaks in school at this time and spring break looks so far away. Valentine’s Day arrives and reminds me that I’m single and likely always will be (most months this isn’t a problem, but add that to a dreary mood and there ya go). Past couple of years have had my folks in California.

But this year it’s been a good February. The Olympics, of course, is a mood improver for me. We’ve had 6 days off due to SNOW (yesterday and today being Calamity Days 7 & 8). The folks may have moved last November, but only to the next town over. Heh. VD came & went with little fuss.

So this has been a good February. I like having a positive mood for February. Oh sure, I’ll be a little sad that we have no Spring Break this year, but hey, Feb’s almost over, and then it’s basically March and April and we’re done!

Today was especially indulgent. I watched the first curling match for the US today on TV, while also watching Great Britain’s first match on my laptop. And I’ve even been working toward my thesis. Go figure!

Women’s curling starts shortly. Woohoo! I’ll double-dip that as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope y’all have a nice day today, regardless of whether you celebrate the Love In Day or not.

It’s a good day for me – still at the parental units and watching Olympics. Will head home later this evening.

Who knows, we may have Yet Another Snowstorm tonight. (We’ll be under Yet Another Storm Warning at 4am tomorrow morning.)


I own a high def TV, but am too cheap to pay for high def stations from my overpriced cable company. (I just don’t watch enough TV to make it worth the extra moolah.) So I figured mom would be interested in watching tonight’s opening ceremony and invited myself around to her place. Cuz she not only has a high def TV (even bigger than mine) but also has high def channels.

So here I sit on mom’s sofa with the high def NBC station on. And soon the ceremony will begin – woohoo! (I think mom got captured by her laptop upstairs. I’ll be sure to call her down before the ceremony actually starts.)

For those curious, we did wind up missing school yesterday. So I finished my last book evaluation and now I just have to write the thesis. (Only that, heh.) We’ll have one day to make up (at least – we’re not even halfway through February), but that’s not until April. Heh. Watch me grumble then.

Calamity Days #4 & 5

It came as no surprise to me that we wound up getting yesterday and today off due to the weather. And we’ve been called for tomorrow that we’re on a 2-hour delay. But hey, maybe we’ll actually get in to school tomorrow!

The thing I’m amazed at is how I actually get anything done when I work during the day. I mean, on these days off, I feel like I haven’t gotten a lot extra accomplished than I would have done had I worked. Heh. I think I must have – for one thing, I’m down to my last book to evaluate for my thesis. But I only just finished grading the physics tests today, and haven’t even started on the chemistry tests. Heh. Lazy butt, look it up in the dictionary and you’ll see me.

It’s a good thing that I’m almost done with the book evaluations – and not just cuz the Olympics start on Friday. I’m down to the last few pink post-it notes. Those are the ones I was using for the chemistry related benchmarks. Blue, green, and orange for the physics ones (they split physics into three sections). When I go to re-evaluate one of my first books (to check for internal consistency), I’ll have to use fluorescent green or something. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyhoo, Linus is stretched out on my lap, ready for me to get back to work, so I guess I’d better. Hopefully I’ll get to work tomorrow and become productive or something. ๐Ÿ™‚

Calamity Day #3

I imagine that our superintendent really didn’t want to have to call off school today. We need to get out the first week of May so that they can tear our old building down to make the parking lot for the new one. Making up calamity days will not help this. Still, student safety is his first concern, so he makes the decisions with that at the forefront.

So, today we had our third day off due to bad weather (or gas transfer, as happened on MLK Jr Day). And we’re under another Winter Storm Warning beginning late tonight until Wednesday. I’m sure he’s hoping to at least get us into the building tomorrow, even if he has to later release us early. It’ll all depend on when the storm hits and if it’s actually what they’re promising.

The time off has been good for me in terms of my Master’s Thesis. I’m now down to my last book to read and evaluate. I should be reading it right now, but I decided instead to type this up. Yay for procrastination.

I was just thinking how nice it would have been to have played WoW or CoH all day today, but, alas, not until I’ve finished this paper. Maybe we’ll get a few snow days next year and I can faff about playing video games. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, I took some photos after the storm, which I may post later this week. Perhaps with photos of the results of the next one. (OK, so I still like the stuff – even after shoveling a bit of it today. In March I may be less inclined to like it.)