Blows the dust off this journal

Wow, been 20 days since I last posted. Course the main reason is cuz I’ve not been doing much of anything. But my summer vacation is almost up – teachers first day is Wednesday. Kids come the following Monday.

So to finish off my very short summer, judiang has flown in today and we’ll be weekending here at mom & dad’s cottage at the Lake. Alas, elsaf can’t join us, so we’re missing her. Still, we’ll try to have fun without her. 🙂

Since Judi had to fly into Columbus (cuz it’s so much cheaper than flying into Dayton), I looked around online for a restaurant there to go for a late lunch. I found a pub called The Old Bag of Nails (the Bexley one), so we headed there for lunch. They’ve totally screwed up the roads around the airport, so my GPS got us a bit lost. Once I removed “major roads” from the settings, it got us there pretty easily.

I had intended to get the “all you can eat fish & chips” so I did. Judi ordered an appetizer of mussels and shrimp (I ate the five shrimp, she had the 4 million mussels – an exaggeration, but they do love giving you mussels) and the seafood platter (fish & chips along with battered shrimp & scallops). The food was very yummy. We then agreed to split the homemade bread pudding ala mode. The waitress brought out two servings of it and apologized for getting carried away when cutting up the freshly baked bread pudding. Sure enough, she only charged us for the one serving. It was also very yummy.

Although I had inputted the address for COSI (the Center of Science and Industry) into my GPS, Judi preferred instead to head on home. No problemo. Stuffed to the gills, we squeezed back into my car and I drove us home. When we got off the interstate, I took her around to mom & dad’s new house & showed her around. She was quite impressed.

After a short stop in my house to pick up the groceries I bought this morning, we finally headed to the Lake. We’ve been here a few hours and have been vegging and catching up on our online lives. I even finished my first book for July. (Most of this year I’ve gotten at least 5 books read in a month – July has been an exception. Though I did reread HP6 & 7 just recently.)

Tomorrow, I’ll be grilling t-bone steaks & corn on the cob for Judi, the parentals, Aunt Becky & Uncle Dean. I shall endeavor to channel Elsa’s cooking mojo. 🙂

Gaming the rest of the summer away….

In case you were curious, I got home from Chicago just fine. Flight & drive back both smooth & easy – the best way to travel. Since I’ve been home, I’ve been trying to milk the little remains of my summer as best as possible. (Short summer due to early school start – all new school building related. It will be our last school year in the 1922 building.)

Our school isn’t the only new construction going up – mom & dad are having a house built in the next town over. It’s been fun watching the progress of that. We’ve been taking lots of photos and videos of it. I missed 2 weeks of the construction since I was in Wooster & Chicago, but now I’m back in the flow of things.

We watched the trusses go up on Tuesday. They had the big crane out & were putting them in place and then nailing them proper. Quite fun. Yesterday they were putting tar paper on the sheathing. Mom and I watched it from the swimming pool. 🙂 (The “gated community” that they’re moving into has a pool. And we were allowed to go swimming. Yay!)

Thanks to judiang (who is, I believe I said before, EVIL) I wound up buying a Wii and WiiFit for myself on Tuesday. It’s been fun and I’ve started a regimen with it. After a couple of days up, I finally went down in weight today. We’ll see if I can stick with it. Just bought two other titles for it today.

And unfortunately, before I bought the Wii, I reupped my World of Warcraft subscription, so I’ve been playing that a lot lately too. But it’s been fun. Despite my playstyle (which is to focus on professions first, leveling second) I’ve gone from level 43 to 47 since I reupped. Heh.

Anyhoo, tomorrow I intend to get a handle on my house and maybe even get back to work on my Master’s Thesis. And of course I have to rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies before Wednesday. (Watched the first flick today. Gee, they were all so small then!)

So anyway, happy gaming to all you gamers! And happy summer to the rest of y’all! (Or winter, as the case may be.)

Last full day, Chicago 2009

Alas, today was my last full day in Chicago. But judiang and I have been making the most of it. We started yesterday after our vegging/YouTubing time.

Judi needed a iPhone 3Gs case for her new iPhone since her case for version 1.0 interfered with the sensor. I said either BestBuy or the Apple Store would be the place to go and asked which she wanted. She decided on BestBuy. Bad idea… Remember, elsaf and her car are heading back to Michigan at this time.

In addition to a case, she ponders BlueTooth headsets. She finds one and a case. And then we mistakingly go by the game consoles. And the Wii tells Judi she has to buy it. I tell her she shouldn’t. I mean, she’d need to buy the WiiFit as well to make it worthwhile. And then she talks to a salesman. And he suggests getting WiiPlay with the added Wiimote. I tell her not to, but she does it all the same…

So now we’ve got a ton of stuff to carry back, in the rain, to the condo. Thank goodness for the #12 bus. We dump the stuff in her pad and then take off, in the rain, to a tapas place Judi’s not been to before, Tapas Valencia. It was my first time for proper Spanish tapas.

When we saw the prices, we realized we were just going to have to go all out. So we started with drinks. Judi got a white Sangria and I got a Passion Martini. Not a big fan of martinis, but this one was tasty.

Our first two tapas were duck confit and crab stuffed puff pastries. Judi wanted to eat the rest of the duck and I wanted to marry the puff pastries. (It wouldn’t have worked out – turns out they were a tad salty upon further investigation.) We followed with patatas bravas (or as I called ’em, brave potatoes) which were spicy and yummy. Thankfully they brought out bread as well to help cool our palates.

We agreed early on to get paella, and chose the Paella Mariscos (mussels, clams, scallops, calamari, and shrimp). It, too, was tasty (though I still just don’t have a palate for mussels. I did eat one and left the other two for Judi).

We finished the meal with dessert. I picked the crema de chocolate, which wound up being creme brulee with little pieces of bittersweet chocolate in it. Way yum and even Judi agreed it beat out her choice of rice pudding (or Spanish kheer as she called it). The bill wound up being somewhat reasonable (just under $40 each including tax & tip, which is less than we originally estimated).

Once back at the condo (after our waddle home) we fiddled until we heard fireworks. They started the Navy Pier fireworks 10 minutes early. We got up in time to watch the last half of the boom boom, but it was over by 9pm (the time it was supposed to start). Still, at least I finally remembered the glow bracelets/necklaces that I brought with me. So Judi and I played with them some (until one broke on me).

We decided then to set up Judi’s new Wii. And wound up playing until about 1am. Ooops. And man, I now have to get one too. Evil Judi is Evil for buying a Wii.

Today we got up at a decent hour because we wanted to catch the first showing of Up at the 600 (AMC). So we had breakfast at the cafe across from her condoplex. I had mascarpone-filled French toast with blueberries and creme anglaise. Very yummy.

We arrived at the theater perfectly. Just a couple of minutes before the trailers started. I’d seen Up earlier this summer, but I didn’t mind spending $6 to see it again in the theater. Judi enjoyed it as well (her first time seeing it).

We took the bus to the Taste then and I bought 3 more strips of tickets. This time I spent all but 1 ticket (as did Judi). We gave our last two tickets to a family of four on our way out.

My food this time was as follows:

  • Macaroni & cheese from Manny’s Cafeteria & Delicatessen (only because Judi was in line for the turkey leg)
  • Small strawberry pecan salad from Home Run Inn Pizza (very yummy and pretty big for Taste portion)
  • Shrimp rolls from The Noodle Vietnamese Cuisine (basically shrimp in egg roll wrap, fried. Tasty.)
  • Pad Thai from Star of Siam (of course I had to get a Taste of pad Thai)
  • Crispy noodle shrimp from Polo Cafe & Catering (basically shrimp covered in noodles & fried – not too shabby)
  • Lemon Italian ice from Mazzone’s Italian Ice (and I tried some of Judi’s mango Italian ice – tasty and refreshing)
  • Taiwan shining noodles from Tamarind (yummy)
  • Frozen chocolate dipped cheesecake bar from JR Dessert Bakery (the only thing I bought that wasn’t a Taste portion. Very yummy, an excellent end to Taste of Chicago 2009)

We were happy that it was warm today and realized we tcould go swimming when we returned. So after a short break at the condo, we went swimming. I got to be in the pool for just over 45 minutes. Woohoo! It was very refreshing.

We vegged a bit more, played some Wii, then grilled hot dogs. (I’d eaten the rest of my pint of ice cream while Wii-ing.) Then more intense Wii-ing where I whupped Judi’s ass at baseball, tennis, and bowling. Go me! We also did some WiiPlay where I was whupping Judi’s ass again, but she hasn’t had any practice at WiiPlay yet (I played it earlier today). Fun stuff. Evil game console!

Tomorrow I fly home. I’m sad to be going, but am glad I get to see my kitties again!

Playing around with glow sticks
Playing around with glow sticks

Amazing what designs you can get with glow sticks (the necklace kind) and cell phone cameras.

More glowing
More glowing

This is 3 colors of thin glow sticks (blue, purple, yellow) in motion.

Ooops... Glowing hand.
Ooops… Glowing hand.

One of the glow sticks broke when formed into a bracelet. Glow on my hands and everywhere.

Taste of Chicago Entrance
Taste of Chicago Entrance

Finally we go through the official entrance of the Taste (instead of via the “back door” of the festival).


Mii & Judi (I’m ahead so far!)

Fireworks et al

Alas, elsaf is driving home as I type this. It was lovely seeing her again and I hope her drive back is smooth & uneventful.

After our fun time at Taste on Thursday, we spent most of the day relaxing. Toward supper time, Elsa cooked up Rogan Josh (a lamb curry) and Jasmine rice. Very yummy. Since we were nearly out of Bailey’s ice cream, I went to the market in judiang‘s building and got us each a pint of something. We finally got Judi to watch The Princess Bride. I think she liked it, but she did miss several jokes cuz the sound set up wasn’t quite right.

Friday was the day of the Grant Park Fireworks, so our focus of the day was making sure we’d be ready at 8pm to get to the penthouse to watch. I took a short walk in the morning to Dunkin Donuts to get us breakfast. I also walked with Judi to take the poochies for their morning walk. More relaxing, then lunch at a nearby diner/delicatessen Eleven City Diner. I had an open-faced Reuben and fries and cream soda. Very tasty.

Judi and I played pool in the afternoon. This time we were even on wins. She won solids/stripes and one of our 9-ball games. I won the other two 9-ball games. Alas, that’s the only kind of pool I’ll be enjoying this trip. Although the temperatures have been ideal, they haven’t been swimming-pool comfortable.

On our way home from the diner earlier, we’d picked up fixings for grilling steaks and making more ice cream. So for supper, we had grilled rib eye, baked taters, and the rest of the pineapple from Tuesday night (when Elsa grilled us burgers w/ grilled pineapple & onions and mozzarella). Then at 5 till 8, we headed up to the penthouse.

The place wasn’t at all crowded and we quickly found great seats on the balcony with a view to the Lake where the fireworks would be shot. Then we remembered the radio, so I went down to get it. Unfortunately, it didn’t pick up the station like it did down in her condo. Bummer, no synchronized music for us! Still, the fireworks were brilliant.

hergrace called us back (we’d left a Happy Birthday greeting on her answering machine earlier in the day) and we all got to chat with her while watching the Boom Boom Boom. It was almost like having her there as well (though she couldn’t see them). Glad you had a nice birthday, Steph!

This morning we got Elsa all packed up for her trip back. Then she drove us to Chinatown for Dim Sum at Three Happiness. Yummy as ever. We popped into Freida’s bakery for some (more) sesame buns and then hugged Elsa before she headed off. Judi and I took the El back.

Now we’re fiddling with YouTube and posting videos of fireworks. Behind the cut I have (I hope) the video that I just posted as well as a few photos. I’m impressed with what my phone can do!

Fireworks coming from the barge
Fireworks coming from the barge

The barge where the fireworks were launched was visible to us up on the penthouse balcony. That was pretty nifty to see.

Oooooh! Colorful!
Oooooh! Colorful!

I was pleased my phone was able to pick up the colors of the fireworks in this shot.


This was a big boom I managed to capture. Ooooh! Ahhhh!

Taste of Chicago 2009

Today we got to the Taste of Chicago! Yum! But before we did that, judiang and I went to her workplace in order for her to turn in cases she flexed on and pick up some new cases to flex. We got to the office block at quarter till 8am, so I wasn’t let allowed in her offices. So I popped into the Starbucks in her building and had a caramel steamer and read a book on my mobile. It was kind of fun sitting and looking out at the city view. So of course I took a picture.

Starbucks View
Starbucks View

The view from Starbucks when I had a caramel steamer this morning.

She came down to get me once visitors were allowed in. I read some more and enjoyed looking out her window. (I also fixed a certificate which had fallen from her wall. Yes, I’m anal.) Her office is on the 9th floor and you can see over the El (elevated train). I, of course, took a photo.

De Trains! De Trains!
De Trains! De Trains!

View of the El from Judi’s office at her workplace.

When Judi was done with her work, it was after 10am so we decided to walk to Taste of Chicago. elsaf e-mailed her requests, so once we’d grazed for a bit, we picked up her requests. Here are things that I tried:

  • Potato Pancake w/ apple sauce from Manny’s Cafeteria & Deli – alas, reheated rather than fresh.
  • Irish Egg Roll from Abbey Pub – my favorite 2009 Taste item so far. Basically a Reuben in a filo dough that’s been fried.
  • Grilled Anjou Pear Salad from The Grill on the Alley – tasty, but a little too tart.
  • Jambalaya from Blue Bayou – alas, they were already sold out of the Bananas Foster Bites.
  • Potato Pierogi and Cheese Pierogi from Polka Sausage and Deli – very yummy and the cheese one was sweet rather than savory.
  • Mustard-fried Catfish and Peach Cobbler – had a bite of these two items from Judi’s purchases.
  • Baklava from Costa’s – wanted to end on a sweet note, so I did.

We started at 11am on the dot and were leaving the Taste at 12:05. 🙂

Photos from Chicago (so far)

Wound up sending these photos from my phone via e-mail (a first for me). A little editing with GIMP and then time to post.

Elsa knits
Elsa knits

Elsa is knitting one of my socks. Very neat-o sock at that!

Patty Cake
Patty Cake

Judi’s new little girl, Patty Cake.

Zola Jones Designs
Zola Jones Designs

The storefront of Jason’s store, Zola Jones Designs.

Judi & Jason
Judi & Jason

Judi and Jason in Zola Jones.


The bar in Glenn’s Diner has a HUGE selection of cereal.

Elsa & Judi
Elsa & Judi

Elsa and Judi in Glenn’s Diner.

American Gothic on Tour
American Gothic on Tour

Has anyone seen the painting American Gothic lately? I think something’s missing from it. (Seen from the bus on the way down Michigan Ave.)

4 Days In, Still No Taste

Normally by now, we’d’ve been to Taste of Chicago by now, but the weather hasn’t been all that amenable for it. Not a problem, there’s lots of fun stuff to do in Chicago.

Monday we headed for the Bongo Room for breakfast. Alas, their tasty eggs Benedicts are for the weekend only, so I had to make due (heh heh) with French toast covered in blueberries & cream. Very very yummy. (Benedicts, what Benedicts?)

We were slow moving at the start of Monday, but eventually headed off to Target to get some essentials. Since judiang moved into this apartment in 2005, she’s had her cable box & DVD player sitting on a cardboard box on an end table in the living room. I finally harassed her enough to get at least something different (poor Judi always having to suffer my harassment – dunno why she puts up with me!) We found a set of bookshelves which looked like they would work (at least until she finally finds the perfect piece for there). One thing the bookshelf does is gives her remote a better line of sight for turning the peripherals on.

Since the bookshelf took up so much room in elsaf‘s car, we returned to the apartment to dump off the Target purchases. Poor was sat in the backseat nearly bent in two for the ride back. But once the car was emptied again, we returned to our route. Whole Foods was next followed by Jewel/Osco for the final purchases. We had lunch at Whole Foods (I had pizza) and grilled hot dogs for supper.

Tuesday was Visiting Jason Day. Jason Loper is the owner & bag-maker of Zola Jones Designs, a wonderful store on Montrose Ave. He graduated in my sister’s class and is the closest thing I have to a little brother. When he came to Alumni this year (you know, I never did finish writing about that weekend…) I told him that I had to FINALLY visit his shop this time to Chicago. So Elsa drove us to Montrose and we walked the short (but noisy, thanks to all the street work) walk to Jason’s store. We all found stuff at the shop to buy and then we went to Glenn’s Diner (his recommendation) for lunch. The seafood bisque fettuccine (w/ shrimp & scallops) was very yummy.

On the way home, we popped into Michaels (a craft store) and Best Buy. Judi picked up a knitting starter kit at Michaels and Elsa has been teaching her to knit. (Sometimes with amusing results.) I bought some science toys at Michaels as well (mostly sodium polyacrylate-related items). Best Buy provided us with the wiring we needed to hook up external speakers to Judi’s living room AV system. Too tired to attack the Taste for supper, we ordered Connie’s Pizza instead. Mmmm, pineapple pizza!

We christened Judi’s ice cream maker with Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream. But we needed to let it solidify more, so we went to the clubhouse to play pool. Well, Elsa knitted, Judi & I played. I taught Judi how to play 9-ball and she beat me 3 out of 4 times. The pool shark!

Today was cold and rainy, so we decided to make it Movie Day. But first, we had a leak to worry about. Judi’s guest bathroom had a leak that we couldn’t figure and it was getting worse. The building repairman arrived and determined it must be the toilet. So we left him to it while we headed off for some Cajun food & funny movie. Heaven on Seven was our lunch destination. I had shrimp po’ boy and the etouffee of the day: chicken & crawdad. Tasty tasty. We watched The Hangover and were all entertained.

Now Elsa is knitting, Judi is cleaning the bathroom where the leak was, and I’m typing this. Doesn’t look like supper will be the Taste, but it’ll be wonderful cuz it’s something Elsa’s gonna grill for us. Yum!

Chicago 2009

Well, back in my favorite Big City (well, favorite enough), Chicago. Flew from Columbus to Midway today and arrived in time for a late lunch with judiang. We originally headed for Howies, a hamburger joint near her place, but when we got there, the place was closed. A handwritten sign said that the owners had vacated the premises and wouldn’t be reopening. I’m sure the story behind that is interesting, whatever it is. We headed across the street to Zapatista instead.

Since it was late for lunch, we decided to split a lunch. We got enchiladas suisa with chicken. It came with refried beans and rice. Tasty tasty. Judi had a virgin margarita that wound up being more foam than beverage. We headed for Judi’s apartment to await elsaf‘s arrival. She was driving in from Michigan.

We watched several episodes of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares on BBCA while I got online with her wireless network. Elsa arrived shortly before 6pm, which was within her predicted window. After she rested up a bit from the long drive, we walked to Ma & I, a Thai and sushi place a couple of blocks from Judi’s place. I ordered pad thai with a starter of California roll. Yummy!

Across the street from Ma & I is an ice cream place, Marble Slab. So of course we had to go there for some ice cream. I had a waffle cone with Swiss chocolate ice cream and birthday cake batter ice cream. Very yummy.

Now we’re vegging out in Judi’s den. We watched the end of Aliens and will soon be watching the first two eps of Supersizers for this season (once Judi gets the DVD burned). Tomorrow should be a fun day – we may head to Taste of Chicago. More yummy food!

B-WISER 2009

I have been tweeting my camp experiences this year. I went ahead and paid for a month of unlimited texting since it’s B-WISER camp this week and Chicago next. What with the guest ‘net account not working until after classes begin, I got behind on LJ and Twitter. Finally caught up.

Writing this on my phone at the college bowling alley. Abba playing on the juke box. Heh.

Camp has been fun this year. I think the energy course is going well. (Amy, the song YMCA is playing now. We of course sang “It’s fun to be at the B-WISER camp!”) Got some ideas to improve it in future. Might remove radiation – for time – content was good tho.

Tomorrow is the last day of classes. Man, the week flies!

B-WISER About Energy

Last summer during B-WISER we decided to remove the computer class (7th grade girls are pretty much on top of computers these days) and replace it with a course on energy and environmentalism. One reason was that we could get more grant money, but another, more important reason, is that we felt it was a useful subject to teach the girls about. As I was the one teaching computers and was one of the proponents for the new class, I got to be the teacher. Lucky me!

Actually, I think I’ve come up with a good set of experiments and demonstrations for the course. Thanks to one grant we received, I have a $500 budget for the class. This is good – I’ve managed to get compact fluorescent light bulbs for each girl to take home as well as some solar-powered flashlights. (No, you don’t have to run them in the sun. When the battery dies, charge it up & it works in the dark again.) One of my co-workers at the camp works with the Ohio Energy Project and she’s got some other goodies for me to give the girls.

With the labs written now (finished ’em yesterday) and most of the supplies purchased (got all the different fuels today), it’s just a matter of getting the experimental apparatuses built and tested. And tonight, father and I (well, mostly dad) built the prototype for the solar panel apparatus we’ll be using. We had a few problems due to the solar panel wiring (well, more of a metal foil strip than wire) breaking on one side of the panel. I actually managed to figure out how to know if we soldered it correctly (hooking it up to the voltage probe and moving the copper wire until the voltage changed – then we knew we had the right spot). Hopefully I can avoid breaking the foil off of the others.

Tomorrow I’ve got more work to do on ’em, as well as buy more hinges for the rest of the solar panel apparatuses since we know now they work for my needs. I also will have some soldering to do – need to make some alligator clip wires since 6 of my voltage probes have a funny way of connecting. But having a working prototype makes me feel good. Of course, camp starts Sunday… Heh.

You know, over the years I managed to reduce the amount of stuff I had to bring to B-WISER down to a minimum. But now with this new class, I’ve got a carload of stuff I’ll be bringing. (And one idea was getting an energy bike to the camp. I don’t think so….) But as I’ve designed the class to use my Vernier LabQuests as much as possible, I’m really excited.