Busy Times over the Holidays

I’ll begin by stating ditto what Judi said.

judiang has been picking on me because I haven’t been posting enough about the holidays. The fact of the matter is that I’m too zonked by the end of the day to post much of anything. I’ve been a busy little beaver since Dec 21st, the last day of school.

The food poisoning or whatever it was helped to keep me from overeating throughout the early festivities. Indeed, my first day to eat normally was Thursday the 27th.

Here’s a run down of my holiday thus far:

  • Friday Dec 21: Last day of work until 2008!
  • Saturday Dec 22: Amy & Rachel arrive in the evening (I spend most of the day cleaning the house.)
  • Sunday Dec 23: We do some shopping and see The Golden Compass. (Only Rachel and I have read the book thus far)
  • Monday Dec 24: Christmas Eve! I spent some time working on Amy’s laptop trying to get it to run at the speed it should. I backed up their files onto my PC so they could at least wipe the laptop if needed (but it might not need it now). Amy & I fixed haystacks (taco salads) for folks for supper and we watched Ocean’s 13 and had supper. The girls spent Christmas Eve night with me.
  • Tuesday Dec 25: Christmas! After a difficult night of little sleep, the girls and I headed next door to mom & dad’s for Christmas. We first opened our stockings, then had breakfast (I might have those two reversed) and then spent 2 hours opening presents. It was lots of fun! After some resting in the afternoon, we went to dad’s sister’s house for Christmas with the rest of the Shorts. It was fun to see the little kids enjoying their many presents. 🙂
  • Wednesday Dec 26: It was mom’s time to play hostess. She made Grandma Anderson’s noodles, mashed potatoes, ham (from MarketDay), sweet potatoes, asparagus, and other stuff for dinner. Amy made garlic green beans. I baked some Bob Evans rolls (and due to a miscount, had to pick up some more rolls from Bob Evans) and made a cheeseball (one of two – the other went to the Short’s the night before). And then we waited for mom’s brothers and their families. As was expected, they were late. Heh. But folks showed, ate, chatted, hugged, etc. It was a very fun day. And we all collapsed when they left.
  • Thursday Dec 27: Our last day with the girls. We spent it playing cards and chatting and eating leftovers. Then I drove everyone to the airport (since they had Wine Time right before it was time to go) and we said buh-bye to the girls and wished them a safe flight.
  • Friday Dec 28: No rest for the wicked – Judi and elsaf were to arrive. Although Elsa got off late, she still made it before I had to leave to pick up Judi. Indeed, as the ditto above states, she didn’t arrive in Ohio until after 10pm (she was supposed to arrive at 1pm) AND we had to drive to Columbus to get her. If we’d known her luggage (with presents) wasn’t flying with her, we might have just said “Nah…” 😉
  • Saturday Dec 29: A very full day indeed. Elsa made us French toast & sausage, we went to the airport for Judi’s luggage (yay, presents!), we headed to Fairborn for the Bookery and used bookstore (made $3 on some used books I had brought along) and Indian Fud. I had originally planned to take them to the Air Force Museum, but we decided to shop instead. Mall time then time at Bed Bath & Beyond and finally Sweeney Todd. After the movie, I drove us to Clifton Mill for the beautiful Christmas lights. Then back to Troy for a late supper at Ruby Tuesday (we were the last ones there). Back home, we watched the Doctor Who Xmas special and then opened presents. Whew!
  • Sunday Dec 30: Today. I’m exhausted after thinking about yesterday. Today we had French Toast and sausage again. Elsa and I then went to Kohl’s where Elsa bought me some nice flannel sheets for my birthday. Then on to Meijer for some more groceries we needed. Finally back home where Elsa cooked up a nice lunch of pineapple chicken rice. Then we put in a new door handle for the den door – thanks to some advice and tools from dad, we were successful with only a little bit of scuffing of the door (that’s visible – just barely). Elsa also made us a lovely supper of beer cheese soup and crepe suzettes – yummy! I took some photos of the burning crepes which I hope to post later. We watched Shrek 3 during lunch and Bend it Like Beckham after supper. We also watched A Wish for Wings that Worked (that Judi gave me for Xmas), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (do I really have to say which version?) and Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. And now I’m zonked.

Merry Christmas! (or Happy 25th!)

Today has been a lovely Christmas for my family (as I said to everyone afterward, “We win at Christmas!” whereas my sister responded “Or if we didn’t, we came in second.”) I intend to write more details later. It’s currently Nap Time, but I’ve been working in my house (cleaning up the bedding from the girls’ sleep over last night, getting Linus & Lucy’s present installed, etc.) This evening we go ’round to Aunt Becky’s for the Short Christmas gathering. Should be fun!

So Merry Christmas to those of you playing at home and Happy 25th for the rest of you!

It’s a (TMI) Christmas!

So anyhoo, Friday was our last day of school. And thanks to something I ate during the school day, I wound up having a bout of food poisoning. I was already grumbly in the tummy when I headed for bed, and it got worse from there. I won’t go into much more detail, but I’ll just say this: It’s a Very Very Gassy Christmas!

Anyhoo, I am recuperating quite nicely. The girls (Amy & Rachel) arrived safely last night. We spent a lovely day (well, apart from the TMI above) today. This evening we watched Charade. It’s one of mom & dad’s favorite movies, and yet Amy & I had never seen it. I found it enjoyable, but A&R pronounced it “silly.” Heh, that’s probably why I liked it.

BTW, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve! Woohoo!

A, eh?

I gotched an A in my Informal Science Learning class! Woohoo! Haven’t gotten the test results back from my Critical Thinking class (nor do we know who “won” the debate) but at least I know I got an A in the other class.

With regards to the Informal Science Learning class, LJ was able to fix my misspelling on my syndicated link for my Science Blog. tls_scienceblog now has an “n” in it! While you check it out, see what you think of my Theory vs Law article. (That one took FOREVER to write and even longer to read.)

Storm Warning, eh?

This morning we were merely under a Storm Watch starting tomorrow morning until Sunday. Now it’s a Storm Warning. What was predicted at 4-8″ has been upped to 6-8″. I ain’t going anywhere this weekend!

Alas, mom works. I hope she remembers to take her PJs and some playing cards with her! She should get to work just fine before the snow begins – getting home from it will be another issue. (She’s actually been trapped in Troy before due to bad weather. She works in a hospital, so she has to go in regardless.) Isn’t it nice of the weather to remind her just why it’s nice she’s retiring this 31st? 🙂

Anyhoo, I shall endeavor to take photos tomorrow. I like snow (it’s the freezing rain in the forecast I can do without!) And I intend to work on my Sooper Seekrit Project while watching the snow fall. 🙂 Will probably wrap presents too. And grade papers. (Well, it has to be done sometime!)

(I just realized, despite my icon, it’s not actually Winter yet. Heh.)

Christmas Traditions Meme

Gakked from indefatigable42.

Welcome to the “Christmas Edition” of getting to know your friends. Repost in your own LJ with your answers if you’re feeling the holiday cheer.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper – preferably with very simple holiday patterns and only red, green & white. (Polar bears and snowmen make nice holiday patterns.) But there are gifts that need gift bags, so I’ll use ’em if needed. Presents that I receive? I don’t care how they’re wrapped – they’re gifts! Ooooooh! Yesyesyesyes!

2. Real or Artificial tree?
Artificial tree. I love the smell of a real tree, but the needles are hell. And the kitties + artificial tree are dangerous enough of a combo.

3. When do you put up the tree?
When I finally get around to it.

4. When do you take the tree down?
When I finally get around to it.

5. Do you like Eggnog?
Not the drunken stuff – but Meijer’s low fat custard style eggnog is very yummy!

6. Favorite Gift you received as a child?
I loved all my gifts, but the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie poster holds a special place in my heart.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
I don’t think so.

8. Hardest person to buy for?
Usually it’s mom, but this year she’s been one of the easiest for me.

9. Easiest person to buy for?
Dad – get him physics toys and he’s a happy camper. 😉

10. Worst Christmas gift ever received?
Heck, if it’s a gift, it’s a wonderful thing.

11. Christmas Cards?
I’m no good at Christmas cards – I love getting them however. (BTW, thanks drox!)

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
The Muppet Family Christmas (TV special) and The Muppet Christmas Carol (movie). But Miracle on 34th Street (original) and A Wish for Wings that Work are close seconds.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
When I get around to it.

14. Have you ever “recycled” a Christmas present?
Don’t think so.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Pritnear everything.

16. Clear lights or colored or both on the tree?
Clear. Or a single color (red are pretty).

17. Favorite Christmas Song?
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” (though I don’t have a definitive version of it). Just about anything that Julie Andrews sings that’s Christmassy.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Home, sweet home.

19. Can you name Santa’s Reindeer?
“On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer & Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen.” Oh, and Rudolf.

20. Do you have an Angel or a Star on top of your tree?
I have an angel cuz it’s the ornament that I got for my first Christmas. Fiberglass hair and all!

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Gah! Christmas Morning, of course! (Maybe *one* present on Christmas Eve.) Though with Amy & Rachel not always being here on Christmas day itself, sometimes Christmas isn’t on the 25th for us. 🙂

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
I love it all. I’m part Elf.

23. Favorite Christmas tradition?
Having Amy (and now Rachel) spend the night Christmas Eve (which we might get to do again this year). When we were very small, we had the same room. When we split into two bedrooms, for Christmas Eve, we’d spend the night together, alternating bedrooms each year.

24. Family member you always try to stay away from during the holidays?
Don’t have anyone I avoid – I love seeing the family at Christmas.

25. Do you attend any actual religious services in celebration?
Not anymore, though I do miss the “midnight” service at the UCC in town.

judiang, you should do this meme, if you haven’t already. (I haven’t gotten caught up in my flist yet so you might have already done it.)


Yay! Just turned in my final exam to my Critical Thinking class. I felt better about it than I did about the midterm. (I knew there would be a lot of fallacy questions and questions of the criterion of adequacy, so I worked hard on those. And then almost forgot Straw Man. Sheesh.) Here’s hoping the answers I wrote indicate that confidence. (There’s at least one 0-pointer in the lot – maybe a second one that I waffled on.)

Anyhoo, it feels good to be done. Now I can get on with my “Winter Break.” Sure, I’m still teaching and all that, but at least now I can read for fun. Heh.

Snow & Shrek & Decorations

To my major surprise, school was closed again today. Although we didn’t get as much snow as Wednesday, the roads were awfully bad and weren’t going to clear up soon enough to have school. Once again, I’m not complaining!

So I called the parental units and wondered if they wanted me to bring some ravioli for lunch and Shrek 3 for watching. They agreed. They provided the sauce and salad, I provided very yummy frozen ravioli from Market Day. It was an excellent lunch (and easy to prepare). Then we watched Shrek 3, the first time for all of us. (I somehow managed to miss it in the theaters, but I know I’d enjoy it since I loved the first two films.) For my second surprise of the day, I discovered that Eric Idle is in it. I used to be a much better fan and knew when, where, how, to what extent, etc for any of Eric’s film & TV roles. And as I suspected, I enjoyed the movie. We all got a good chuckle out of it.

The rest of my day has been finishing up the decorating and getting my pool table down in the basement until after the holidays (it was either it or the piano, and the pool table is a mini one with easily removable legs). BTW, does anyone want a piano? It’s free – all you have to do is come and get it! (It might smell of cat pee – that would be from Leo.)

The place isn’t overly decorated (heck, there’s only one thing I’ve added in the library – well, two if you include the balsam candle I’m burning) but I think it looks nice. I think I need a nice holiday rug for the spot where my pool table was. Even the blasted piano is decorated.

The kitties think it’s great that I put this huge Tree O’ Toys up for them. Once again, I’ve decided to go with home-made ornaments (from my purchase last year from Oriental Trading Co.) and that was a good idea. The bottom of the tree looks like a war zone. But I don’t mind – it’s fun to see ’em play.

Yay! Lucy’s decided to join us. Linus and I are sitting here & cramming for the Critical Thinking final exam. We have until next Thursday to get it done, but I’m going to cram tonight and maybe do it tomorrow morning. And then I can be done with college until mid-January. Yay!


Although we’ve had a couple of light snowfalls this season already (by light I mean “gone in sixty seconds), but today we’re getting a decent snow. I’d hazard a guess that we have 3 inches thus far and may get a 4th before the snow stops.

So what’s that mean for the schoolteacher in a state whose population is getting worse & worse at driving in the snow? NO SCHOOL! I know that judiang‘s probably rolling her eyes at our closure, but I ain’t complaining!

The one sad thing was that I had intended to go to the SOITA Technology Conference this afternoon (no sub, just going after I’m done with kids). But now I’m not sure I want to drive in this weather. Looking at the newscasts this morning – sheesh, people just seem to forget how to drive in bad weather. Wreck after wreck on the interstates. No mention of the surface streets (which is what I’d be driving to get to SOITA).

If I wind up going, it won’t be until 11:30am. I’ll see how the roads are later. (And I’d have to dig a passage for my car – the snow plow has blocked my driveway in.)

Until then, I’m goofing off and working on Christmas decorations. And watching the kitties try to kill each other. Playfully. (Well, they tell me it’s all in fun – sounds painful sometimes!)

One Down, One to Go!

I have just turned in my final project for my Informal Science Learning class. Basically, I turned in a document directing the instructor to my science blog. In addition to the framing article and the Viral vs Bacteriological article, I finished up an entry on Centrifugal Force today. I hope it makes sense to a non-physics person! (Or even to a physics person.) It seemed clear in my brain after writing it, but I’m not sure how it is for other non-me people.

My other class, Critical Thinking, is also winding down. We’re in the middle of a debate. I’m in Team B of the debate. And although I was really worried if I’d even be able to come up with arguments when it was my turn to respond, I actually did spot some logic holes with which to exploit! I wrote up my argument this morning and afternoon, but I haven’t posted it yet – just waiting on some team members to respond to my suggested rebuttal before I do so. (Will probably post it in the morning.) I wound up with 7 references for the argument! (Thankfully, 3 were suggested by a teammate. But that means I found 4 on my own.) Once we finish the debate, we’ll have the final exam. I got a 74% on the midterm – I intend to do better on the final!

December 7th is the last day for our fall semester. Then we have until mid January until the next semester begins. I’m looking forward to the intellectual break. For one thing, I want to simply read in my library for pleasure for awhile. And I have my Sooper Seekrit Project which I’m working on for Christmas.

It feels good to be almost done. 🙂