Riddle Answered

On August 3rd, I posted a riddle for folks to guess the answer to. And some folks got it right & others came close. So now I present the answer.

Q: How is a fallen angel like my little girl kitty’s fluffy coat?

A: They’re both Lucy fur (Lucifer)!

I never said it was a *good* riddle. 🙂

Congrats to samantha2074 & redstarrobot for guessing correctly and to redeem147 & drox for getting very close with “loose o’ fur.” 🙂 Nice try, drake57, with your guess. 🙂

Welcoming Visitors

In addition to yesterday being my day to post my Where I Live Day photos, it was my “welcoming friends to my house” day. audioboy and bex77 have been on a road trip from Mass to Ind and stopped at my place on their way back. So I spent the days beforehand cleaning the place (still only a lick & a promise – that’s all I ever seem to do).

They arrived around 11am as they projected and were looking forward to meeting the kitties. However, my kitties are not used to visitors and decided to hide rather than greet the guests. Silly kitties! Still, Lucy was the braver of the two (her weakness is loud noises, not strangers) and at least allowed N & B to look at her and take her photo. They even got to do a small amount of scritching before she hopped away again.

I had suggested lunch at the new pizza place in town and they thought that would be nice. So we walked to the other end of town for lunch. I tried the turkey sub, they shared pizza and a steak sub. They seemed to like the food. I know I did. 🙂 I told Jeff, the owner, that he’s now passed the Massachusetts test. The next big test will be the Chicago test when I bring judiang there later this week.

We got ice cream for the walk back and returned to Chez trinalin. Lucy was pottering about in the bedroom and Linus was sleeping under the comforter on the bed. I showed the lump to N & B and we decided that was the most we’d see of Linus during their visit.

They returned to their car and figured out the easiest way to get back on their way East. I waved goodbye as they headed off then returned to the house to scold the ungrateful kitties. Sure enough, they poked their heads out soon enough as if to say “OK, we’re ready for visitors now!” Silly kitties!

Thanks for coming, N & B! It was lovely having you!

In other news, tomorrow I shall post the answer to my rather abject riddle. So far, one person’s guessed it correctly and two were impressively close. 🙂

Small Town, OH

elsaf introduced me to the group wild_photos last year, but I never got around to publishing photos of my hometown in the Where I Live Day (WILD) community. But this year I was prepared. Two weeks ago, armed only with my trusty digital camera and a beautiful day, I took loads of photos of my town. So, come with me and take a walk around town.


Here’s my house & garage. Linus, my cat, can just barely be seen in the picture window looking out at me. I had hoped my lawn boy would have gotten to the shrubs by now, but he’s been too busy at his real job.

Gas Station
Gas Station

Here’s the local gas station, which is also the closest thing we have to a grocery now. The day I took the photo (2 weeks ago), gas was $2.75 a gallon. Today it’s 10 cents less.

The View into Town
The View into Town

Anyone driving up from the south will have this view of town. If you look carefully, you can see the monument. It’s the triangular gray thing in the center of the road.

Still in Town
Still in Town

Yes, this is another view from in the town. Although the barn itself is technically not in town, where I’m standing to take the photo is.

Church of the Brethren
Church of the Brethren

There are 5 churches in our very small town (3 on Church Street, oddly enough). I must not have gotten around to taking the photo of the one that’s on the National Registry of Buildings.


Here’s my alma mater and current employer. The windows in the bottom right are from my science lab.

Klopfer Building
Klopfer Building

This building used to house Klopfer’s Grocery, long since out of business. (Well, they were open when I was a kid.) Around the back right of the building is where the new pizza place is. It’s good food too – had lunch there today.


I’m still in town as I’m heading for the river. Beyond this corn field is the cemetery.


This bridge is outside of town and crosses the Stillwater River. When my sister and I were little (and the bridge was an old steel bridge) we’d ride our bikes here and play Pooh Sticks.

Stillwater River
Stillwater River

The Stillwater River – looking a bit low these days thanks to the drought-like conditions.


Back in town again to visit the cemetery.


Up close & personal with some corn. This is what you see if you’re looking away from the gravestones in the cemetery.

Grain Elevator
Grain Elevator

What town is complete without a grain elevator?


We even have our own graffiti in town (on the previously mentioned grain elevator). The “90” is from the class after mine in high school. Not sure if the graffiti is as well or not.


Now you know the name of the town… But I took this photo for the sign. How many places do you know of who advertise the medications they sell in their vending machines? I know of one!

The Beery School
The Beery School

This building used to house the Beery School of Horsemanship (The Only School Of Its Kind In The World). It was a correspondence school of horsemanship. Was very famous in the right circles. (I guess the circles that horses went around in.)


Ah, the town monument. It’s a Civil War soldier looking south to alert us if the South ever rises up again. Or something. Still, folks in the area might not know my town, but if you say “It’s the one with the monument in the center” folks go “Oh! I drove through there once!”


I thought of this riddle the other day. I’ll post the answer later, but feel free to guess in the comments (they’ll be screened for your protection – heh). Oh, it’s not a good riddle or anything… 😉

Q: How is a fallen angel like my little girl kitty’s fluffy coat?

GIP (with HP7 Spoilers)

I thought of this icon the other night and have now made it. However, if you have not read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and intend to, you should wait until afterward to check out the LJ cut.

From my favorite bit in the whole book (for now):

I know that if anyone’s gonna like this icon, it’ll be my sister. But Amy, be warned: don’t look until you finish the book. 🙂

Two quick reviews…

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: Loved it! Started reading it yesterday morning, finished around 9pm tonight. 🙂

Indians Pizza, the new pizza place in town: Quite enjoyable. Nice pizza, tasty ice cream.

How did *he* get into my dream???

The kitties have been especially annoying this morning, doing what they could to try and get me up at 4am. Pretty much 4am to 5am was me spent trying to sleep while Linus kneaded the bed around me. Lucy was being nice and simply sleeping on top of me. I did fall asleep around 5am and only recently awoke (again, Linus kneading the bed). And what was I dreaming about when I awoke?

Well in this dream, elsaf, judiang and I were vacationing together, as we are wont to do. But we get picked up by some security folks when we land at the airport and are driven to some unknown property. When we arrive, it’s an ordinary enough house and no security folks are actually IN the house. Whose house, you ask? Why President Bush’s house, of course. (!!!!) So we’re there and thankfully spend more time with his wife (not sure she looked like the real Mrs Bush) and son (who looked a bit like hergrace‘s youngest only with short hair that’s curlier).

As we did at Steph’s place, we were having a birthday celebration for someone (but I don’t recall who now). Rather than bake her famous cheesecake, Elsa had apparently ordered some pecan dessert thing – all very hoity toity – and had it delivered to the place. Never did get to see what it was (I think it was something in an intricately tiered thing) but I did get to eat ice cream in the dream. And spent most of my time in the dream having to play with the little kid. The final bit in the dream is all of us at the dinner table – including the Prez.

Well, actually, there was something of a follow up to it. When we were heading back home, someone was bragging about their holiday, but I had ’em pipped when I said I got to vacation with the President. He asked what that was like and my response was “Well, I still don’t like him all that much, but his wife and family are pretty nice.”

So, my dear psyche, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON?????

BTW, I think I’ve figured out why the kitties were so antsy (pun intended). I went to clean out their automatic feeder to put fresh cat food in it and found that teeny tiny ants had discovered it. ICK! Looks like I shall be buying some ant dots after work today! (The being squicked by ants is pretty much why I haven’t gone back to bed. Ick!)

Losing my grip…

No, I’m not losing my grip on reality (at least, I HOPE I’m not). I’m just losing grip on my possessions.

Last Friday, I drove to the Lake to hang out with the parental units. I listened to my new audio CD Valhalla (the latest Sylvester McCoy Doctor Who audio). I listened to part 1 on the way up and part 2 on the way back. I remember ejecting the CD from my CD player in the car. I remember taking the CD case with discs into the house. And now I cannot find it anywhere! Grrrr, it’s driving me bonkers.

I wanna listen to the rest of the story! And I can’t find it. Argh!

Happy Harry Hump Day!

I decided not to attend the midnight screening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Mostly because I’ve been sleeping fairly well of late and knew that would throw off my current pattern. So I decided to catch it today.

I worked today for about 4 hours (2.5 in the morning and 1.5 after lunch) before heading off to Piqua for the movie. Being the paranoid type, I paid the extra buck to get my ticket online just in case. Turns out for the 4:00 showing, that wasn’t needed. (The 12:45 showing earlier and the 7something showing later – probably would have been advisable.) No matter, I still paid less than $6 for the flick, which works for me.

I will admit, I do prefer it when I’m the only one in the theater (as usually happens when I see movies), but it is neat sharing a movie experience with complete strangers. And, as with all good movies, I got completely caught up in Phoenix and forgot all about the other folks until we all laughed at something together. I’m quite impressed with the movie – they were pulling from a lot of material and managed to get, I think, what was needed to make a good movie. The acting was excellent and the effects were superb. I wasn’t think “Wow, neat CGI!” I was thinking “Wow!!!!”

After the flick, I talked myself into having supper at Frisch’s for a Big Boy platter (onion rings & baked apples) and hot fudge cake. Let’s face it, I didn’t have to be too convincing. And while stopped at Walmart getting supplies, I finally found some Americone Dream ice cream. Cool, will finally get to try that flavor. But not tonight!

So, it’s been a good day for me. I hope you can say the same for yourselves!