My wildflower garden has more wildflowers vs weeds this year compared to last. Wild bergamot, swamp & common milkweed, yellow & purple coneflower, and false sunflower. Asters not abloom yet.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”]My wildflower garden has more wildflowers vs weeds this year compared to last. Wild bergamot, swamp & common milkweed, yellow & purple coneflower, and false sunflower. Asters not abloom yet.

My wildflower garden has more wildflowers vs weeds this year compared to last. Wild bergamot, swamp & common milkweed, yellow & purple coneflower, and false sunflower. Asters not abloom yet.

Just the best day to be a bee on a milkweed flower at Medlar Conservation District.

[igp-video src=”″ poster=”” size=”large”]Just the best day to be a bee on a milkweed flower at Medlar Conservation District.

Just the best day to be a bee on a milkweed flower at Medlar Conservation District. #MetroParksTrailsChallenge

Today I rode my bike from Medlar Conservation District to Austin Park. Back at Medlar I saw that bees were having a great day.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”]Today I rode my bike from Medlar Conservation District to Austin Park. Back at Medlar I saw that bees were having a great day.

Today I rode my bike from Medlar Conservation District to Austin Park. Back at Medlar I saw that bees were having a great day. #MetroParksTrailsChallenge