Home Again – and it’s rather empty

Well, I got home by 6pm and brought supper to mom & dad (Penn Station – yummy sammiches). After supper, though, I returned home. It wasn’t easy – no kitty waiting for me at the back door. 🙁

Tonight I’m going to play my video game and read in the reading room in our chair and remember doing these things with Leo. He’s going to be missed, but I’m going to remember the wonderful times I had with him.

Thank you, friend’s list, for your kind comments in my last post. Your kind words, and the kind words & hugs from my co-workers at B-WISER have really helped me. I wish I could have been with Leo, but having the folks with him near the end is the next best thing.

When I’m a bit more rested from the trip, I’ve got a tale to tell you all about our last evening at B-WISER. Let’s just say that our Wednesday night Lightning Storm had NOTHING on what transpired last evening.

Film Canister Cannons

Today in physics, we played with Newton’s Laws and Energy and stuff. One of our activities was “Film Canister Cannons.” We used effervescent tablets & water which we put into film canisters. They put them nose to nose with an empty canister and watched them blow apart. So today while taking pictures of the girls, I also managed to grab a film of one explosion. You can watch the video here.

Physics is Phun!

B-WISER 2006

Another year, another science camp! Today marks the beginning of B-WISER, the 7th grade girls’ science camp held at the College of Wooster. The teachers and counselors have arrived (all except for my roomie) and the girls will be arriving soon.

We’re in another dorm this year. The first year that B-WISER’s not dormed in Douglas Hall for, like, ever. They’re remodeling that hall this summer, I believe, which is why we’re in Kenarden this year instead. The rooms are smaller than what we had in Douglas, but they’re not intolerable. And with the windows and door open, we’re getting a bit of a breeze (thanks, in part, to my fan). So hopefully it won’t be too hot to sleep in.

I drove here a different way than usual. Decided to avoid going south to go north and decided to take I-75 all the way up to US Rt 30, then head East. It was a pleasant enough drive. Most of US 30 is a freeway, which makes for easy moving. I did get pulled over on the way here. Whoops! No, I wasn’t speeding, but I didn’t pull into the left lane when I passed by a cop car with its lights on. I was thinking “I wonder if I should pull over to the left” and sure enough, he pulled me over to tell me that. ‘Tis only a warning, but it’s one I should remember for awhile.

Anyhoo, my roomie’s still not here, but I’m getting hungry. I might have to get a snack from the vending machine while I wait.

I should have more to post later, including photos of our smaller room.

Happy Free Comic Book Day!

No, today is not the celebration of the Independence of Comic Books such that they became free entities. Today is the day that all good comic book stores have free comic books on offer. Yay!

I’m not a big comic book geek, but I do love free stuff. And they had quite a few freebies at The Bookery Fantasy in Fairborn (my comic book store of choice). One major surprise for me was a HeroClix of Wolverine. Wow – I now own a HeroClix other than City of Heroes/Villains! Not that I’ll ever play HeroClix, but they are cute little figurines. 🙂

Today was my day out. I had a meeting in Columbus in preparation of B-WISER, the science camp that I teach at each summer. It was great seeing my summer co-workers again. We met at a nice tavern in Columbus (Red Door Tavern) and I had one of the best reubens I’ve ever eaten. Good eats, good conversation, and good planning. Should be a fun week at Wooster!

On my way home, I did a bit of a detour and headed for Beavercreek/Fairborn to check out Best Buy and my comic book store. (I only get there once every few months.) At Best Buy I finally found a nice cover/belt clip for my iPod. And it was on sale for $13! Plus I got Enya’s latest album. After a few arguments with the card swiping device at the check out, I was on my way to the Bookery. There I got the freebies plus my file o’ stuff. Doctor Who & Dreamwatch magazines, but still no Devil’s Panties. When I inquired, the salesman said he remembered seeing it out in the store, so he picked it up for me and then made doubly sure that Devil’s Panties was definitely in my file. (Alas, I’ve missed out on Issue 1. Here’s hoping I can find it some place!)

When I left this morning, I told Leo that I’d probably be back by 5pm. Well, our meeting lasted longer than I anticipated (we ladies had a lot of catching up to do!) so poor Leo had to wait an extra two hours and a half for me. Still, he’s feeded now, so he should be good. And speak of the devil, here he be! Ready to push stuff off my desk so that he can sit in front of my monitor. 🙂