Happy New Year!

Considering that my last LJ post was in the summer, I think I’m going to have to admit that how I “journal” my life has changed. It used to be paper. Then it was LiveJournal. Now I do “microjournaling” via Twitter and Instagram (username pagefillers). And even there I’m not as thorough as I once was. But they’re quick, and that often fits my lifestyle more.

I know a number of “old time” LJers who are jumping ship due to the Russians or somesuch. Haven’t decided if I will or not. But I do want to get a good backup of this journal and soon – my last backup was a few years back. And then maybe I’ll decide what to do.

My own website (pagefillers.com) is still very barebones since it was hacked at some point. Perhaps I’ll get my old LJ stuff onto there. At least my trip stories would be good there. Perhaps 2017 will be my year to get that sorted out. 🙂

I’m currently sitting in my library with Linus on my lap and Lucy sitting on the back of the comfy chair. We’ve got soft Christmas music playing in the background and, when I’m not writing this, I’m working on my eBooks’ meta data (like you do). I had a wonderful birthday today (46 years – sheesh!) Although Amy was back in MSP, the folks and I had a nice time. I cooked pork & kraut & mashed taters and then they came around for lunch. They brought cake & presents!

Since I’m 6, er 46, the gifts were toys & games. 😉 Amy, OTOH, got me an IKEA gift card – to help me get a display case to, um, hold my LEGO… OK, so I *am* 6!

Amy was here for Christmas – she arrived Christmas Eve and left on the 30th. We had a great time and, as per usual, we won at Christmas. And according to WW, I only gained 4.8lbs. Heh.

In 2016, I hit my lowest weight (in December) at WW which is over 40lb lost since I started the program, and probably closer to 50lb lost since I started trying. Yeah, it’s taking years, but I’m working on lifestyle changes, not looking for quick fixes. I’m wondering if, in 2017, I finally get under 180lb. We’ll see!

I managed to reach my book-reading goal for 2016 (read 75 books – I got 76 read – whee!) and I’m going to see if I can read 80 in 2017. You can keep tabs on me through goodreads.

OK, enough rambling from me. Linus has changed his position so that now when I type, I’m having to move him with me. He’s too zonked to care, but I think I should let him rest without being wiggled around.

I hope that 2017 is a good year for you all. I know there’s a lot of uncertainty right now and it has the potential to be truly horrible, but I hope that this isn’t the case. Love to you all!

Buh Bye, 2015!

Welp, here it is, 2016 already! I’m now 45 years old (doesn’t feel any different from 44. Or 43. Or any of those other post-40 years.) Was thinking of posting an end of 2015 entry, then saw ‘s meme on 2015. So I’ve decided to use it as my guide. Here goes!

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?

Visited Scotland & Wales! Travelled abroad with my mother & sister!

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I don’t do resolutions. Probably should, but I don’t.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Heh heh – not for 2015. But just yesterday, my cousin Deanna had a little boy.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Sadly, two of my former students died this past year. One of suicide, the other in a car/bike accident (he was on the bike). That doesn’t need to happen anymore.

5. What countries did you visit?

England, Wales, and Scotland. Whee!

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?

It’s the opposite – I want to have less procrastination than I had in 2015. I seem to be getting better & better at procrastination!

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

I’m horrible about actual dates – ask my history teachers. But the summer of 2015 when mom, Amy, and I went to Great Britain will remain with me forever. 🙂

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I finally got under 200lbs! OK, so it was only for a day, but this year, by golly, it’s going to become more often!

9. What was your biggest failure?

I’m fortunate in that my failures, as far as I could tell, are minor. Not keeping up to date with the “family spreadsheet” that mom, Amy, and I keep for weight loss. Procrastinating on grading. Spending a wee bit more than I probably should (though I am independently wealthy… Heh.)

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Not really. Here’s hoping 2016 is illness & injury free too!

11. What was the best thing you bought?

Heh – the “new” cell phone for mom for Christmas. She’s really been enjoying it. I’m also pleased that I subscribed to Big Finish’s 2020 subscription when it first came out. (I think they’re offering it again for a short while). So I’m good for Doc5, 6 & 7 stories till 2020. Here’s hoping the boys are able to continue to make the audios!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

The Supreme Court when they put the “gay marriage” issue to rest – and in the right way!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

The GOP. My grandfather would turn over in his grave if (a) he knew and (b) the supernatural existed.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Stuff for Trina, my trip to Britain, mortgage.

15. What are you really, really, really excited about?

Hmm, good question. I may get back to you on this.

16. What song will always remind you of 2015?

Another good question. I don’t actually think that songs make me think of times as much as places.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

a) happier or sadder

Probably the same, maybe on the happier side of it.

b) Bigger or smaller?

Slightly smaller with plans to go even smaller than that!

c) richer or poorer?

Moneywise: Poorer, but only because I’m not quite recovered from the Britain trip. Will be soon, however! Then I’ll be richer.
Everythingelsewise: Richer. 🙂

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Reading & being creative. Writing, coloring, building robots, etc. If I did resolutions, that would probably be one.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Procrastinate. (Hmm, I sense a theme here!)

20. How will you be spending Christmas?

Guess this meme originated before the Christmas season. I spent it with mom, dad, and Amy. Was a blast, as always. Amy got home safe und sound.

21. What was your favourite month of 2015?

December and June. December for Christmas et al and June for Britain.

22. Did you fall in love in 2015?

Yeah, fell in love with Cardiff. 🙂

23. What was your favourite TV program?

Doctor Who. Capaldi is just kicking ass right, left, and center! 🙂

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

Hate is such a strong term. Probably hate those who stir up hate in others (I’m looking at you, Trump!)

25. What was the best book you read?

The Steerswoman by Rosemary Kirstein because it got me hooked into the series. There were quite a few others, and I hope to post a 2015 reads list before too long.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Hmm, that will take a bit of thinking. Maybe 2Cellos. I also want to do a 2015 music list as well.

27. What did you want and get?

I wanted lots & got most of it. That’s the “trouble” with being independently wealthy – I want, I get. Heh.

28. What did you want and not get?

Nothing important.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?

I didn’t really watch a lot of movies in 2015. I can’t even say The Force Awakens, because we watched it yesterday, in 2016. Maybe Song of the Sea.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

Lordy, that was over a year ago now! 😉 On the first day of 2015, I turned 44. My sister was home and we had pork & kraut and they got me nifty gifts (including a question-mark handeled umbrella from Amy). Then we took Amy to the airport. Just a few days ago, I turned 45. My sister was home and we had pork & kraut and they got me nifty gifts. Then we took Amy to the airport. (Deja vu!)

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

In that one couldn’t even measure it? Less procrastination by me.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?

Frumpy & comfortable.

33. What kept you sane?

Family, friends, a great job, fun co-workers, nifty students, kitties, and all the fun toys & shit that I have.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

As always, Sylvester McCoy.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?

That gay marriage is now legal on my country. Woohoo! It’s a small step in progressiveness, but an important one!

36. Who did you miss?

I haven’t seen and enough. I always miss Amy, especially after we part again. When I’m oot & aboot, I miss my kitties.

37. Who was the best new person you met?

Haven’t met too many new folks. Guess I could say my new co-workers are wonderful folks, and the people I meet at FreethoughtDayton.

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015.

It’s the same lesson I learn every year, but in light of the deaths of my former students: enjoy having one more day above the roses.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

“And I said to myself, what a wonderful world!”

I’m Forty Four with Both Fumbs Down!

So years ago my dad was asked by a neighbor lady how old he was and he said that he was “four with the fumb down.” (Or at least, the neighbor lady told him that he said this as he doesn’t remember it himself.) So we’ve had the expression in our family vernacular for many years. And today, I turned forty four, with both fumbs down. 🙂

Our Wonderful Christmastime has continued to be wonderful. On Monday, mom, Amy, and I went to AAA to talk with a travel agent about going on a tour of Britain. We met for an hour and a half and left with some homework to do. And we spent much of Monday afternoon researching and reading up and trying to decide which of the various package tours we wanted to do. We scheduled a second meeting for Wednesday whereupon we’d have our decision.

On Tuesday, Amy had an appointment with a couple of folks in Columbus to film for the BMC Oral History Project she’s been working on for a few years now. Dad had volunteered to be her gaffer (and to provide the lighting equipment so she didn’t have to bring her set up with her on the plane). Since it was going to take a couple of hours, I suggested that mom and I head off to Polaris Fashion Place to go shopping. So once we had Amy and Dad ensconced in the Columbus Mennonite Church, we headed north to the mall.

Mom and I have been fans of Chico’s for a couple of years now. She had a pair of jeans which were a little baggy on her that she wanted to return, and when we got there, they were having a sale. I found a pair of jeans and a long jacket (think Bea Arthur long) on sale and she found two pairs of jeans. We then stopped into a shoe store where I found a VERY cute pair of shoes in my size. Decided they’d be my birthday present to me. Mom then found a jacket for herself at Christopher & Banks that she wound up getting for $15. We topped the successful excursion off with Auntie Anne’s pretzels.

As we were leaving the mall, Amy texted to say they were done at the church. So we returned and Amy toured around Columbus reminiscing about her days of living in the “big city.” (Columbus is huge for me, but small for someone who lives in Minneapolis. Heh.)

That night, we finally decided on which of the package tours to go on (it was basically a competition between the Scottish highlands and Ireland, Loch Ness vs Guinness brewery tour, Liverpool vs Waterford Crystal. Scotland et al won in the end). Wednesday’s meeting then was getting the tour booked and then the flights figured out. We opted for trip insurance – not something we usually do, but with the total cost of the trip and the fact that we’re not as young as we once were, it seemed like a good idea this time around.

For New Year’s Eve, we met up with Deb & Ben, friends of my folks, for dinner at Trojan Horse. Then we adjourned to mom & dad’s home for an evening of games and snacks and booze. We played Ticket to Ride where Ben managed to win instead of Amy (who’s won every other time we’ve played). Then Amy and I took on mom and Deb with a game of pinochle. We won and then the ball dropped and 2015 arrived!

This morning I made us some baked French Toast (which I’d made shortly after midnight and let sit in the fridge overnight) and bacon. And lunch was our New Year’s staple: pork, kraut, and mashed potatoes. We’d invited my cousin Patty around and the five of us had a wonderful lunch and spent most of the afternoon chatting and laughing. Then mom, Amy, and I returned to Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright and House of Cards (we managed to watch 16 episodes this week). In between episodes, we had a light supper and then I opened presents and we had cake & gelato/ice cream. Judi had gotten me a World of Warcraft game time card (surprise!) and Elsa a nifty sweatshirt with “All of the good chemistry jokes Argon” on it. 🙂 Mom & dad got me moolah to do a subscription to Big Finish. And Amy got me a 7th Doctor brolly! Whee!

So this has been a wonderful time with my sister and folks and other loved ones. Tomorrow we take Amy to the airport so she can be reunited with Curtis (her cat) and Charlotte (her godcat whose currently staying with her). Thanks all for a lovely birthday and Christmas and all that jazz. 🙂

Goodbye to my Douglas Adams Year!

On Jan 1, 1971, at 12:16am, I came into the world. So for the past year, I was 42 years old. And I often wondered, in a solipsistic way, maybe Douglas Adams’ question is something along the lines of “What age will Trina be when she …?” “How old will Trina be when …” (put in your own humorous or not-so-humorous fill-ins for the blanks). With, of course, the answer being 42. But since the universe does NOT revolve around me (I was 99.9999% sure this was the case), I got through the year with nothing untoward happening.

So anyhoo, we’ve been having a fabulous time with Amy in town. Mom and I had Baking Day on Christmas and dad worked on his Christmas toy for family members (a gragger – nice and loud and fun). Thursday (Boxing Day) I wrapped presents. Friday was the busiest day of my time off.

I started Friday morning with a doctor’s appointment. (I’m quite healthy – whee! – and 19lbs lighter than my last appt.) Then I headed off to mom & dad’s for the family gatherings. We first went to Uncle Bob’s (mom’s side) at Indian Lake. It was good to see my cousin (currently living in Texas) and her girls again. Hadn’t seen her oldest in a couple of years. We had a lovely afternoon of food and fellowship.

We then headed back home to refill on cookies and then headed off to Aunt Becky’s (dad’s side). There was even more food and fellowship there (and I was surprised that I was hungry after the Anderson gathering). We left from there to go pick up Amy at the airport.

Amy’s flight got in early, but they had some tarmac wait time. Still, we were hugging her around the time of the original arrival time. Yay! Once home we chatted for awhile before finally getting to bed.

Saturday morning was our “Christmas.” We had Egg McMikey sammiches (dad’s specialty) and opened our stockings. Then present opening occurred. We know how to do present opening! It was after noon before we finished. Heh. Lunch was hamburgers and mac&cheese.

We took a walk that afternoon since it was going to be the warmest day Amy was in town. Since it wasn’t really Christmas, Mojo’s (a local bar) was our destination. We had drinks and snacks and then tottled back home.

Sunday included lunch at Harrison’s in Tipp City with friends (we wanted to show off Amy) and then some resting and relaxing. Monday included a shopping trip to Kohl’s where I got a new watch band and a WeightWatchers approved scale for under $5 (yay Kohl’s Bucks!)

Yesterday (New Years’ Eve) I popped home to check on the kitties and then mom, Amy, and I went to the Y for a Zumba Gold class and a line dancing class. We were the only folks who showed up, so we claim that we were the best students that day. 🙂

Our evening plan was to go to The Filling Station for NYE along with mom’s BFF Debbie and her hubby, Ben. When we got there around 6:30, they asked if we had reservations. Mom had TRIED to get reservations earlier in the week but they claimed then they weren’t taking reservations since they were having a live band. Thankfully, since we didn’t want to sit on the side of the bar where the band was, they had room for us. All but dad ordered the prime rib special (which wasn’t all that special) and dad had fried shrimp.

Mom, Deb, Amy and I played games (Pass the Pig, Zombie Dice, Euchre) while we waited for 2014 to show up. Part of the cover charge fee paid for party favors and champagne. They were running out of favors when they got to us, and the champagne may not have even had grapes, let alone alcohol. Still, we graggered the new year in once midnight hit.

We returned home around 1am and then mom and I prepared for breakfast: Eggnog French Toast.

Today was my birthday (no, duh!) so we started off with a great breakfast of eggnog french toast and bacon. Mmmm! Then I got to watch my parade. Love those folks in Pasadena – they always give me a parade. Lunch was pork and kraut and mashed potatoes and apple sauce. My cousin, Patty, joined us for lunch. We then had cookies and conversation. Uncle Doug and Aunt Charlene joined us after awhile and we continued eating and chatting.

Now I’m typing this up and looking over at my birthday presents. Whee! I think we’ll get to those soon enough!

Happy New Year to all of you! May 2014 be a great year for you!

Happy Birthday, Judi….

…. April Fools!

Oh wait, it’s both! Today sees the birthday of a dear friend, judiang as well as being the day for all fools to come out from their gullible houses. (I was torn as to which icon to use for this post – my Age one or my Foolish one. You can see which I picked. Heh.)

I think I managed to not get fooled today. There was one that I thought “Oh, that’s unexpected!” and then I realized “Oh! Bet it’s an April Fool’s joke. Heh.”

Anyhoo, to any of you others who suffer from sharing your birthday with April Fool’s Day, you have my celebratory wishes and my condolences. And it’s a shame that you have to suffer the fools and yet not get a parade! (Having a parade on one’s birthday certainly helps soften the blow of getting older. Heh.)

Welcome 2013!

Nearly a week into the new year and I’m finally posting. I blame my sinus infection. When I wasn’t hanging out with the folks and Amy (or working), I was getting sleep to fight my sinus infection.

But I’m feeling almost normal (or as normal as I can be) and have a bit of time this morning to type up a post about the end of 2012 and start of 2013.

Amy arrived late on Friday evening and it was lovely to have her home again. We did Christmas morning on Saturday, then. First stockings, full of fun, small kitchen gadgets, then breakfast. Dad grilled us Egg McMikey’s and served ’em on the English Muffin Toasting Bread that I had baked for just that occassion.

We opened lots of presents and, once again, won at Christmas. Mom and I even zipped off to the Co-op in the middle in order to pick up a few supplies (and then to Kroger to pick up one more Christmas pressie). I got lots of nifty stuff, including a mini-cannon (which actually fires), bread baking supplies, nice clothes (most of which fit), and an HO train car, just like Christmasses when I was a kid. Lovely nostalgia. 🙂

Sunday was mom’s day to shine. She decided to make a true Anderson dinner. Her brothers and my cousins were invited around for dinner and she made fried chicken and noodles like Grandma. Amy and I helped with other things, like banana salad and rolls. I decided NOT to make Grandma’s tapioca, because the last time I’d made it, everyone tasted it and said “Gee, this tastes just like Grandma’s tapioca. I never did like her tapioca!” Heh.

Monday was New Years Eve and we had a relaxing day which finished off with us having snacks and watching Trading Places and The Amazing Spider-Man before the ball dropped. I fired my cannon during the countdown (almost timing it perfectly).

New Years Day was even more relaxing. Mom made us baked oatmeal for breakfast. I got to watch my parade (thank you Pasadena!). I finished reading The Casual Vacancy. We had pork and kraut for lunch. I opened birthday presents. Money to buy Neil Innes, new box-set and a Mah Jongg tile set in handy carrying case. Sadly, I then had to go home that evening because I worked the next day.

I felt bad for my students. Even though I felt fine, by this point in my sinus infection, I had practically lost my voice. I felt like a cough drop addict on Thursday. But on Friday, during physics, my ear canal finally drained and I could hear again. And today I feel even better.

So a nice, quiet start to the New Year. That works for me! I hope others have had a great start and that 2013 turns out to be the Best Year Ever!

Now We Are Six

Although I’m not sure when the actual birth date of my kitties is, the vet & I agreed several years ago to officially declare June 15th their birthday.

So, Happy 6th Birthday Kitties! According to WiiFit today, that makes them equivalent to 40 year olds! Eep! But they’re my babies! Anyhoo, I took some photos to celebrate their special day.

Linus in Repose
Linus in Repose

A Load of Crock?
Lucy – a Load of Crock?

I Pity da Fool!
Linus – I Pity da Fool!

Lucy, the Kitty Loaf
Lucy, the Kitty Loaf

Merry New Year! Beef Jerky Time!

Happy New Year! Hope y’all have a great start to 2012 (and also a great finish, but that’s almost a year from now).

I turned 41 just a bit ago, too. And so far, it doesn’t seem any different to the last several turnings. Not sure what the fuss is about. 🙂

So, thanks mom, for putting up with my delivery from 5am on the 31st until 16 minutes after midnight on the 1st. Apparently it only cost them $350 with 6 days in the hospital. Cheap at twice the price, the parental units say. 🙂 (And although they missed out on a $750 deduction, the prizes they got for my being born 1st on the day totaled over $1200, dad figures. And that’s 1971 money!)