Finished Bookshelves

I promised pictures of my finished bookshelves, and here they are. I’m still in the process of putting books on the shelves (though my Doctor Who books are on their shelves now), and will post the final photos when I get that done. Yay for books! Yay for kitties who love people who love books!

Books in Waiting
Books in Waiting

My books, patiently waiting for my bookshelves to be built.

Mapped Out Shelves 1
Mapped Out Shelves 1

Blue masking tape helped me to map out where I wanted my shelves. This set actually was flipped when built – the X marked where I wanted to put the sound system.

Completed Shelves 1
Completed Shelves 1

The first set of shelves is done!

Completed Shelves 2
Completed Shelves 2

And the second set – woohoo!

Completed Shelves 3
Completed Shelves 3

Two more sets are done…

Completed Shelves 4
Completed Shelves 4

And the final set of shelves – with room for kitty potty & all…

Linus & Lucy Explore the New Shelves
Linus & Lucy Explore the New Shelves

As soon as the dust settled, Linus (top) and Lucy (bottom) had to check out their new bookshelves.

Reading 2006

I have been keeping track of which books I have read since June of 2001. Originally it was something I was doing to try and curb my book buying habit. I’d promised myself that I’d only buy a book if I’d read 5 (or was that 10?) that I already owned. It didn’t work out too well – I still bought books despite the agreement. But it did get me in the habit of recording my read books.

A couple of years ago I saw some of my LJ friends had tried to read 50 books in one year. That sounded, to me, to be a noble goal. Now, compared to some folks in my family (mom, dad, my dearly departed Granny) 50 books in one year is a mere drop in the bucket. But it sounded reasonable to me. However, 2004 and 2005 eluded me. I’d get into the 40s, but never reach 50. But then came 2006! Although I never quite managed my 2006 goal of reading at least 30 min every day, I still wound up reading 54 books. Go me!

Before you start picturing me with 1000 page novels and stuff, I will admit that I do read children’s books as well as novels and science books. And yes, some comic graphic novels or the equivalent are present. That I don’t mine – reading is reading and I’m glad to be doing it. I still don’t think I’m doing as much as I’d could. I blame my addiction to City of Heroes for that.

The funny thing is that, despite my great number read last year, I’ve yet to finish a book this year. Whoops! I’m almost done with two of them – People of the Fire by the Gears and a Murder She Wrote novel which is in my purse. And I’ve got a few short reads that I received at Christmas which I might be able to get read before January is over. So I could well get back on schedule. And I’m hoping that, if I ever get my bookshelves started, much less finished, I’ll have even more reason to read. I’ll have a lovely library to read in. 🙂

Rather than include all 54 books that I’ve read, I’ll choose a few to discuss. A few notables: mom has gotten me hooked on a Nora Roberts trilogy, the one with the vampires (The Circle Trilogy) for those of you familiar with her work. She’s still waiting on book 3 from her friend and then she’ll loan it to me. 🙂 Also I was fortunate to not really have any clunkers in the selection this year. Two of them were very dry (in fact, the Quantum World was a book I’d started a couple of years ago and FINALLY finished in August), however.

2006 marked the end of the BBC Doctor Who books with past Doctors, and Atom Bomb Blues was the final one. Rather fitting to end with the 7th Doctor, especially one written by Andrew Cartmel. I enjoyed the books, but it did make me nostalgic for the days when Doc7 ruled the books and clever plots & characters were showing up every month. Thank you Virgin Publishing for keeping the flame burning during the dark times! 🙂

Speaking of the 7th Doctor, if you’d like to see a character somewhat based upon him, check out The Dying Days by Shannon Patrick Sullivan. I will admit I tend to look for roles to cast Sylvester McCoy in when reading books (and other actors I enjoy watching). And in this book, he slipped in perfectly. I checked with Shannon and he admitted that the character was inspired by Sylv’s 7th Doctor. But don’t worry, the character has his own special characteristics too – it’s not a rip off by any means. The novel itself was very enjoyable – a wonderful first novel. I’m hoping Shannon continues with his characters and setting in future novels.

I borrowed Life of Pi from Rachel when I was visiting her & Amy this summer. This is one of those books which I’ll remember for a very long time. Pi Patel is a fun character, which is good because you spend most of the book alone with him and a tiger on a boat in the ocean. The ending was the bit I liked least about it, but others have said that’s the part they like the most.

2006 was also notable for finally ending the Series of Unfortunate Events. This children’s series was entertaining, silly, stupid, and fun. I’m glad there was an End to it. Prolific authors will be my downfall (take a bow Terry Pratchett). Lemony Snickett should probably have his head examined. 😉

Speaking of children’s series, I read more of Philip Ardagh‘s work this year. (I’d been hoping they’d put out more audio books as read by Sylvester McCoy, but it never happened. So I bought the books & read ’em myself.) The House McNally series just didn’t work for me as well as the Eddie Dickens books have. And the second Eddie Dickens trilogy was almost as fun as the first trilogy. But like the McNally books, the third book of the series just didn’t entertain me as much. Not sure why. Maybe someday I’ll figure it out.

Other books that I read this year which I’d recommend to all: The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, Thank You for Smoking by Christopher Buckley (I’d recommend it over the movie), the Nursery Crime series by Jasper Fforde (I’m enjoying those books more than the Thursday Next ones).

So, 2007, let’s see about another 50 books or so!

To Market to Market to buy a Fat Pig…

Yesterday, due to WOEA Day (a union day off – we get that rather than Columbus day), we had the day off. So, the parental units and I headed doon south to the 2nd Street Market in Dayton for a look around. Mom & dad had heard of the place – in fact, a friend of ours works there. Sure enough, when we arrived, he was there selling his spices, bulk foods, and cheeses (the Spice Rack). We asked him for advice on which place to go for lunch, but he recommended them all. 🙂 He did advise going to check out the bread lady nearby, so we sampled here wares and I bought a loaf of Tuscan crusty bread. (Having some toast from that right now – yummy!)

We wound up all ordering from the Diva’s Gourmet. I got a Fresh Mozarella Sandwich which was very tasty. We looked around the market and then returned to the Spice Rack where I bought several types of rice and some vanilla beans. It’s a very nice indoor market and I hope we’ll be able to visit again. (They’re open the week between Christmas & New Years, so we might take Amy & Rachel there when they’re visiting.)

Our next destination was even further south – Trader Joe’s. I really enjoy shopping at Trader Joe’s and wish it were closer. I got quite a few things from there, including more bread and more rice (hmmm, Carbohydrate Girl, I guess). I got several cheeses (I’ve tried the cheddar already and it’s good) and some sushi (had the shrimp sushi this evening). Fun store and not as expensive as you’d think.

We’d brought a cooler with ice for the perishables during the long journey home, so we figured we could shop in Books & Co. while we were there. As soon as I entered, I saw the display for The End, the last book in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. At 30% off, I had to get it. Yay, only 7 books to go til I hit the 1200 mark in my inventory! 🙂

After we finished in the bookstore, we headed home where I vegged by playing my addiction (aka City of Heroes). Supper was cheddar cheese, toast (from Tuscan crusty bread) – some with margarine, some with marg & preserves (peach & hot pepper). Good eats. 🙂

Today, I traveled south on my own. It had been a month since I last ventured for Indian Fud and Doctor Who Magazine. So I went to the Bookery (DWM, Dreamwatch, Astonishing X-Men, and vol 4 of The Devil’s Panties were waiting in my folder). Then to Jeet India for Indian Fud. Yummy food – including a paneer dish – I love paneer! (Paneer is Indian cheese.)

I shopped some after lunch, but only found something to buy in Waldenbooks. They had some paperbacks in a buy 2 get a 3rd free sale. They had Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, which I was interested in getting. So of course, I looked at the other choices in the selection. I also got Thank You for Smoking by Christopher Buckley and An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. Anansi wound up being the freebie. 🙂 So now I’m just 4 books away from 1200 in my collection! 🙂

Well, hopefully I’ll spend some time reading tomorrow rather than just playing City of Heroes. 🙂

Books, Cats, Life is Sweet

Edward Gorey is Da Man.

Anyhoo, I’ve been working with my books lately, trying to get them (a) inventoried and (b) packed up so that I can figure out how I want my floor-to-ceiling bookshelves to go in the reading room. Man, I have a LOT of books. So far, I’ve got 427 books into my inventory. That’s over 6 boxes of books. (I use the letter/legal cardboard boxes from Staples – full of books, they can still be lifted, somewhat.) I have 2 more boxes to inventory, and loads more books to pack & inventory.

I’ve noticed that far too many books have a different barcode than their ISBN number. This is very aggravating to someone with a nice barcode reader. I did discover, however, that the New Adventures of Doctor Who and many of the Target Doctor Who books have proper barcodes. That speeds up my inventory considerably. Roald Dahl books also tended to sport the right barcodes. Nice to know my most favorite books are nice to me. 🙂

I’m curious to know how many books I’ll end up with in my inventory. If I were to cross-reference them with the ones I’ve actually read, however… I fear it’s less than 50%. Well, maybe I’ll surprise myself.

One thing this has been doing is showing me some books that I’d forgotten that I had. I have many books now that I want to put on my “To Read’ pile right now. I’m not actually putting them in the pile, because then I’d be killed under a huge tower of books that would fall on me when the kitties rushed into the reading room playing.

The kitties really seem to like the place and me. It’s fun to watch them play. And watch them sleep. And they seem to be putting fewer scratches on me (though I resemble a pin cushion right now). They’ve found interesting resting places in my house. My favorite place is behind the albums. Sometimes when they sleep in the den, they get behind my stack of albums and sleep there. They also like sleeping UNDER the bed. Though at night, they sleep with me part (sometimes most) of the night.

LOL – I just went to check on them. They’d managed to shut themselves up into the bathroom. I saw that the bathroom door was closed, but after a bit, I realized that I hadn’t shut it. Sure enough, I opened it and the two little kitties popped out. Silly kitties!