Unexpected 5 Day Weekend

Last night before I got ready for bed, I got the phone call from school that we’d be closed again today. Oooh yes – with Monday a national holiday, that means we basically have a 5 day weekend.

It’s a bit frigid right now, but at least we’re into the positive °Fs for now. (Tomorrow will seem tropical with a high predicted around 24°F.) I think I need to come up with another layer for my feet – they’re freezing at the moment. Still, I’m one of the very lucky ones – I don’t have to go out in this and my house is very comfy.

Yesterday I had a nice day. I called dad up and invited him around for lunch. He said he’d call shortly before stopping around and then we’d walk to the post office. After he called & I bundled myself up, we did just that. When we returned to my place, I fixed us a lunch of pesto tortellini with salad and rosemary olive oil bread. Mmm, mmm, tasty. We watched an episode of Pole to Pole while we ate. It was quite pleasant.

Most of the rest of the day was spent playing City of Heroes and reading. I spent several hours in the library with kitties on my lap. I shall endeavor to do so again today. (One way to get my frozen toes thawed out again.)

Today I slept in til nearly 10am. I played CoH again until lunch and while I was watching more eps of Pole to Pole, the subscription finally lapsed. So I’m free from my addictions again – yay! (Well, apart from the DTs. But with college starting back up, I’ll soon be too busy to miss my games.)

Dad and I did go out again to the post office today. With 3+ layers on, it wasn’t too bad. But it sure was nice to get back into my house.

With no more MMORPGs to distract me, I’ll have to get going on my coursework this weekend. And maybe get some more reorganization & cleaning done. (The kitchen is now more organized to suit me. How many years have I lived here? Sheesh.)

Those you up here in the northern hemisphere, keep warm! (Those of you in the southern hemisphere, keep cool!)

GIP – CoH/CoV related

Instead of cleaning house and doing other useful things this morning (hope to rectify that shortly), I’ve been making/improving some userpics. I’ve now got all 10 heroes that I regularly play (OK, so I haven’t actually made one of those heroes yet, but that’s what I intend for Mr Alabster to look like) into two icons (5 per). And I have my two villains in another icon.

Main Set of Heroes

These are my top 5 heroes (for now). Icy is my main with Evah & Dom in their 20s.

Second Set of Heroes

These are my smaller heroes. Some of them very small indeed.


And finally, my two villains. Jack is my main villain, but poor Chrysanthemum just hasn’t been played all that much. I do prefer being a hero, which accounts for the few villains that I play.

Yup, definitely more than you wanted to know about my gaming habits. But there ya go. 🙂

The Battle of the Addictions

Well, there’s not too many days left of the 2006 Winter Olympics. So sad! But one good thing about the end of the Olympics will be returning to my other addiction, City of Heroes/Villains. 🙂

Even though the Olympics have been winning out over everything (except work and picking mom up from the airport), I have been able to be on my laptop during much of it since Friday. This has allowed me to do other things. Like work on my City of Heroes related sites.

My two main characters, Icy Hot Man (level 50 hero) and Jack Dodger (level 40 villain) are both badge collectors. So one site that I frequent is City Information Terminal. With this site, I keep track of how many badges these two characters have collected. Icy currently has 168 out of 234 badges, while Jack has 77 out of 220. If you click on those links, you can even see all of the badges they’ve gotten. (Unfortunately they put the badges I don’t have first, rather than the ones I do have. I’d kind of prefer to have the bragging rights first, then look at what I’ve got to do next second. Heh.)

Another CoX related site that I’ve been working with is City Game Tracker. This could actually be rather useful (and judiang needs to install the program too) because it shows when I’m actually on and playing.

So, if you want to know if I’m with my other addiction or not, you can check that image out. (Actually, I think I’ll put one of the smaller images in the sidebar of my journal, just for grins.) When I am playing, it’ll say which hero/villain I’m currently playing, too. 🙂 Eventually, all of my heroes/villains will be registered with this program. And I’ll create little icons for each of ’em. Heh. To see who’s registered already, click here.

I’ll probably play around more with my screenshots from the game while watching the Olympic Games. My goal is to eventually create a page devoted to my little heroes & villains. 🙂