Happy Spring!

It’s the first day of spring – yay! We had a chilly but sunny day to celebrate it.

So, Today I:

  • Got caught up on my grading (except for the physics test which they took today – it’s multiple guess so I should be able to get that done this weekend).
  • Talked with Covington Savings & Loan (my bank) about refinancing my mortgage (I gave my current mortgage company first dibs, but I haven’t received word back from them in a week – guess they don’t want me to stay with them). 4.5% should be do-able and he suggested I check back each week while things in Washington are brewing – it might go down even more.
  • Went to Applebee’s with a few coworkers and had a nice hour & a half chatting with them.
  • Looked at netbooks at Staples – I still might get myself an Aspire One if I could just find a 6-cell Linux model, pref w/ SSD.
  • Picked up some stuff at Walmart – including the inexpensive silica cat litter I was beginning to suspect I’d dreamed rather than purchased before. (Under $5 for 4lb – only thing cheaper I’ve seen is sold by Trader Joe’s – and they’re MILES away.)
  • Had an ice cream cone from Cold Stone Creamery. Yum!

The new season is looking to be a good ‘un!

Happy Fat Tuesday

Today has been a good day. First, I’ll start with yesterday. I got my digital cable *and* the electrician showed up to fix my arcing circuit breaker. So last night, I was able to sit in my reading room and finish reading Tartuffe.

When I arrived home from work today, there was a box in front of the door. Yay! My CDs are in. These are several Big Finish CDs that I recently ordered from WhoNA. Included in my order was the most recent Sylvester McCoy audio Night Thoughts. Yay!

Then, while I was playing City of Heroes, I received a phone call from the local bookstore that Atom Bomb Blues by Andrew Cartmel was in. This is the latest Seventh Doctor novel. Yay!

So, hoping for a hat trick of good fortune, I called the Frische’s Big Boy to see what the soup of the week was. Cream of broccoli! Yay! It was off to Troy for the night for Trina!

They say it’s the little things in life that make it worthwhile. Well, these little things have certainly made for a happy treen! And now I finish my night on the laptop with Leo nearby. Life is good. 🙂