Happy Anniversary Doctor!

Today is the 50th anniversary of my most favorite television program, Doctor Who.

I am currently trapped on my sofa beneath two kittens and a TARDIS throw (made by ‘s sis-in-law). We had been watching the various specials, but now they are done and I want to go to bed, but I don’t want to disturb them. So I am typing this up on my phone.

I’ve enjoyed all of the specials starting with Big Finish’s brilliant Light at the End, continuing with today’s phenomenal Day of the Doctor, then the impressive An Adventure in Time and Space and the predictable Ultimate Guide. But they were all blown away by Peter Davison’s The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot. So funny!

Thanks for fifty years of wonderful stories Doctor! Thanks for all of the friendships I’ve started due to your show. Here’s to the next fifty years!

ETA: proof of the kitty trap:

It’s Summah! YAY!

Yeterday was the last day of school – YAY! Today I went swimming for the first time of the season – YAY! Tomorrow we go to the Strawberry Festival – YAY!

Things are full of YAY right now. My new ebook reader arrived on Friday. I got a BeBook and am loving it so far. My laptop and my BeBook are a great combo. (Thanks for the rec, redstarrobot!) I’ve got a library book on it already and have filled it with all of the eBooks I’ve found/bought over the years (except the ones I got from eReader.com which won’t work with it, alas). I bought a 16GB SD card for it today, too. Doubt if I’ll ever fill it (could get well over 5000 books on that card).

Just watched the half-series finale for Doctor Who and it was full of YAY too. One of the zillions of theories that I had about a certain someone was actually right, as well. YAY! (OK, that means the other zillions weren’t right, but there ya go.)

I was actually done with my classroom BEFORE our day was over. And then they let us leave half an hour early if we were checked out. YAY!

I was a bit bummed last night when I got home and was going to play with my new BeBook, but my Internet was down. So I ran off to McDonald’s in Milton and fininshed setting it up so that I could read it back home. (The Internet was back today, YAY!)

My hot water heater had been down since Thursday and the plumber was finally able to get here today. The water heater was actually OK, but the light went out. I then had him fix my side outdoor faucet, which turned out to be more of a pain than he had anticipated, but he was successful. I’m hoping the house hasn’t blown up – I’ve been at my folks’ place most of today.

So YAY – a great start to my summer break!

Enablers suck…

So, like, I have a DVD buying problem. I buy too many DVDs. (Though I do love watching them and I don’t watch much regular TV, so that’s something at least.) But periodically DeepDiscount enables my DVD buying addiction. About twice a year or so they have a 20% off sale. And I buy far too much stuff.

Well, they’ve topped themselves this time. Their Winter Sale is 25% off! So I bought the boxed set I’ve been eying for awhile (The Michael Palin Collection – the only travelogue he’s done that I own on DVD is Sahara, but I’d love to get ’em all. Now I will!) And I waited a little bit since Season 4 of Doctor Who came out today (pre-orders don’t get sale prices) so I ordered it as well. Yay me! Boo DeepDiscount for enabling me!

BTW, the sale ends November 23rd, so get your orders in soon! They have several coupon codes you can use (but you only get the 25% off once, even if you try using a different code later) including the following: SALE, DEEP, PRICESEARCH. DeepDiscount often has the cheapest prices for DVDs (though I often start at DVDPriceSearch first). Oh, and they always have free shipping. Hope you find a DVD or seven that you want there!

“It’s curtains for you!”

Since I have a final project due on Monday and a final curriculum due on Thursday, I’m doing everything I can to avoid working on them. But at least I’m doing productive things to avoid them!

The first thing we (parents and me) did today was check out garage sales in town – well, visited Aunt Becky at her son’s garage sale. After we went to the post office and library, we picked up pork tenderloin sandwiches and French fries from a vendor on Main street (in place for the town garage sales).

Before we headed off for our grand adventure, I stopped back home for something, only to find that the kitties had pulled the living room curtain down again. They get their claws stuck in the lace and pull it down. And then trying to get the lace back on the curtain rods is a pain in the arse. So I measured the windows and resolved to buy new curtains while we oot & aboot.

We started out at JoAnn fabrics with the thought of mom making curtains (she’s making some gingham ones for her side-door), but then we decided to check if Walmart had something like I could use. And there, we found just what I needed – sheer but not lace (no place for kitties to get claws caught on) and not floor length like the big window had. I also got some grass seed and wrapping paper & cards for Amy & Rachel’s birthday presents.

Back home I got to work taking down the old curtains and putting up the new ones. And before I did that, I cleaned the front window – it had a long row of kitty nose prints from kitty cats walking along the sill and looking outside. Turns out in addition to nose prints there was a nice layer of dirt. Comes with never cleaning my windows. Ugh. Should do my other windows tomorrow.

I also put some of my grass seed in the dead spots in my lawn. And watered it. That took a bit of time. Then it was time to have supper and watch the new DW. And then judiang, elsaf, and hergrace got online so we watched the episode together. Let’s hear it for Instant Messaging! ๐Ÿ™‚

Doctor Who Meme

We were informed last night that we had a 2-hour delay today – no surprise there.  What did surprise me was the phone call at 8am this morning (just after I finished breakfast and while I was reading e-mail) which let us know that, due to the country roads being crappy (not his words), school was closed today.  Woohoo!  So, now that I have another day off, I thought I’d start out with the Doctor Who meme that’s been doing the rounds. (I like how one flist member described it as an “interrogation” rather than a meme.)

1. When did you start watching?
In 1982, I believe.

1a. Why?
I missed the Tomorrow PeopleTP had been off the air for awhile and I wanted my cheesy British sci-fi.  I’d avoided Doctor Who up to that point cuz dad had warned me about smelly boys living in their parents’ basement.  Or some such.

2. What was your first episode?
“Four to Doomsday.”  However, I had seen bits of “Genesis of the Daleks” and “The Android Invasion” before then.  When I realized they were Doctor Who, I’d turned them off.  “Four to Doomsday” however surprised me – the toothy guy with the scarf wasn’t there, it was some young (cute) blond dude.  And I loved the mouthy Australian.  So I kept on watching.

3. Which episodes have you seen?
All of the existing ones, I believe. 

3a. Favorite?
Original series: “Ghost Light.”  Current series: “Blink” with “Empty Child/Doctor Dances” closely following behind.

4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
Considering most of my friends I found though Doctor Who in the first place… lots of friends like the show.  My sister used to enjoy the series (the Tegan years).  I showed mom and dad “Blink” and they really liked it. I even have a coworker who knows the original series.

5. Which Doctor is your favorite?
Doc7 as played by Sylvester McCoy.  (See icon.)

6. Which Doctor is your least favorite?
I like ’em all. (See icon.)

7. Which TV companion is your favorite?
Turlough and Martha.  (I usually say Benny, but then I remember “Oh, she wasn’t a TV companion.”)

8. Which TV companion is your least favorite?

9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?

9a. If so, which is your favorite?
The Fearmonger. (Go Jon!)  The Harvest is also very good.  And my favorite non7th Doc story is The One Doctor.

9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favorite?
Hex, though Eveline and Erimem are good too.  Doc8 OTOH – don’t like any of his companions.  Or his stories, actually.

10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?

10a. If so, which is your favorite?
(BBV) and Death Comes to Time (BBC).

11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?

11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?

11b. Which is your favorite?
The Left-Handed Hummingbird (Virgin) and Heritage (BBC).

12. Have you read any of the comics?
Not regularly.  I have the 7thDoc compilation (of course).

12a. You guessed it – which is your favorite?
Don’t really have one.

13. Do you watch any of the spin-offs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
Watch ’em both.

13a. Which is your favorite?
SJA thus far.  However, I’ve been enjoying season 2 of Torchwood.

14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?
I never give up the chance to watch “Ghost Light.”

1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?
Not anymore.

1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!

2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?
Yes – Doc7 ones, usually.

2a. Letโ€™s see a sample!

3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
I did rather enjoy Time Rift when I saw it. 

4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
Visions 95-98, Gallifrey ’98, ’00, ’02, ChicagoTARDIS once.

5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?

6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
Yup. Books, DVDs, toys, collectible cards, playing cards (heh heh – can’t wait to show them to judiang), etc.

7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?

7a. Steven Moffat?
I’ve been a fan of his since his short story in Decalog 2.  My favorite episode of Murder Most Horrid was written by him.  My favorite eps of the new series are written by him.

7b. Paul Cornell?
I’ve always liked his stuff, but I always liked Kate Orman’s better. ๐Ÿ™‚

8. What say you to Season 6b?
If people want to have it cannon, let ’em.  I’m neither for nor against it myself.

9. The UNIT dating controversy?
Heck, all the goobering up that the Doctor’s done with time, it’s no surprise they can’t get the dates right.

10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
Fun gobbledygook.

11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Also fun gobbledygook.

12. Whatโ€™s your favorite Doctor Who technobabble?
“Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.”

13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
Hell yeah.  That’s how I watch TV & movies in general – who’s in ’em, not what it’s about.  Someone says “I’m watching such & such” and my first question is always “Who’s in it?”  I’ve seen mucho stuff with Sylvester McCoy, but I’ve sought out stuff from all the Docs and many companions. 

14. Have you met any of the actors?
The actors who played Docs5-8, several actors who’ve played companions.

14a. Traveled to any filming locations?
Never on purpose. (Unless a BBC studios tour counts as “on purpose.”)

15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
Fun stuff, even the fart jokes.  (I’m easily amused.)  Jonathan Pryce is the best Master evah (even better than Derek Jacobi and DelGOD.)

16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
That Sylvester McCoy is the best Doctor.  Heh.  How about that Death Comes to Time is cannon?

17. Whatโ€™s your favorite pairing?
Eh, that’s the realm of one’s own imagination.  And my imagination is warped, so I shan’t answer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

18. What pairing(s) wonโ€™t you touch with a really long pole?
I love Rose, I love Docs 9 & 10, but the “pairing” got a bit heavy-handed by the end of it.

Why don’t cats get bedhead and other musings…

Today, Saturday the 13th, has been a nice lazy day. Indeed, around 2ish I had a sinus headache and decided to go take a nap. When I got to the bed, the kitties had anticipated Nap Time and were already snoozing on the bed. As soon as I got in bed, they both moved to be closer to me. Awwww.

Anyhoo, we discovered that the bed had become something of a black hole because none of us could escape for over 2 hours. No matter, we all had nice sleeps. And I don’t think they were ready for getting up, but they did anyway.

It was as I was getting up that I realized that I had bedhead but the kittens didn’t. They never get it. Even Leo, with his long fur, never got bedhead. Lucky cats! And it’s not like they ever have to go out in public and embarrass themselves with bedhead. (Well, I wasn’t going out either, so it was all moot today.)

So, have you ever had a time when two of your “fandoms” overlapped in interesting ways? There are times when City of Heroes and Doctor Who overlap. Sometimes it’s just me. “So who looks at a Vortex Core Leonis and says ‘this could be more sonic?'” I ponder every time I see a Sonic Vortex Core Leonis. And I want to say “Are you my mummy?” every time I see Terrance Dobbs in City of Villains.

However, yesterday I had the option to rescue the Hand of Omega. (Or rather, Hand of 0mega – a zero instead of an o.) And since there have been times when I’ve been asked to beat up Davros (or was that kidnap?) I think someone in CoH/CoV might have a passing knowledge of Doctor Who.

I ended up not taking the mission, however, because I hate fighting the Circle of Thorns. In hindsight, I wish I had if only to see if the Hand of 0mega looked like a big black coffin… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Visual Stimuli

Oh my goodness! My new TV is fucking fabulous. Now I know I don’t swear a lot in print (though I do swear a lot in real life) but that’s what it is. I’ve been watching season 1 of the new Doctor Who series on DVD and wow – simply wow! It fills the TV with Doctory goodness! No idea if the sound on the TV is any good cuz I use a surround sound system. But visually, the picture is superb. And so big!

When I watch something in regular 4:3 mode (like Lovejoy) the image is only 2″ more either way than my old set. (Yes, I measured it.) But watching something widescreen like Doctor Who? Wow, simply wow! ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m taking it slow. I won’t get to something Sylvester McCoy oriented until the newness wears off a little, or I’d probably just melt into a pool of gibbering fangurlishness. Heck, I might do that anyway.

Anyhoo, back to my lovely TV and World War III. (Heh, “would you mind not farting while I’m saving the world?”)


I’ve been meaning to make this icon for awhile and finally got to it. In honor of the last episode of season 2 of the new Doctor Who series, I bring you Rude/Ginger in Doctor Who! ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Hope all of you Irish-Wannabes have had a great day. And the rest of you as well!

Since I work in a public school, I wore green today. (For those of you not in the know, on St. Patrick’s Day if one doesn’t wear green, one can get pinched! Of course, this isn’t a tradition everywhere, but it’s very popular with young schoolchildren. And some high school kids too, heh heh.) I wore the nice hooded jacket that’s Kermit the Frog green – Amy & Rachel gave it to me for Christmas and today was my first day to actually wear it. It’s cute, green & fuzzy, just like Kermit. And warm, too.

In all the excitement of St. Patrick’s Day, I almost forgot that Doctor Who debuts on Sci Fi Channel tonight. Yay! I’m going to go next door & watch it with the parental units. They never liked the original series, but they did like the TV Movie. I’m hoping they like the new series. It would be fun to watch it with them as the season unfolds. (If not, there’s always Leo. Heh heh.)