Celebrity Dreaming

It’s official. I’ve been watching too much Bewitched.

Now, the number of celebrities who have appeared in my dreams are few. And mostly Doctor Who or Tomorrow People related. But last night, Elizabeth Montgomery showed up. And in an unusual manner.

See, what happened was that Sylvester McCoy was filming an episode of Doctor Who. (I think it was being filmed in the US – in a big office building). As he’s racing out of the door of the office building during a scene take, he collides with a blonde lady coming into the building while wearing a trechcoat (and little else – I wonder what that says about my thought processes???) Anyhoo, the woman turns out to be Elizabeth Montgomery on the run from evil producers wanting her to film a nude scene she doesn’t want to film. But Sylv is more than happy to help her escape from the evil producers. (I wonder what THAT says about my thought proecesses?)

There was a scene that took place in a boat too – probably during the escape sequence. But I must admit, the dream was pretty bizarre, even for my standards!

Too much of a good thing?

So, I’m coming upon the morning hours while sleeping today when I have an interesting dream. Leo, meanwhile, was rattling the phone, which is his way of telling me it’s time for breakfast. I managed to work this into the dream.

Apparently, there was an international sporting event where people would try to rattle phones. There were four top rattlers being announced while I grabbed the phone in real life and hid it under the covers. When Leo started playing with the phone charger, the dream modified to fit that too.

I’m willing to send Leo off to represent the US in phone rattling if it’ll get him out of my bedroom in the wee hours of the morning. 😉

Definitely OD’ing on the Olympics when my cat rattling the phone becomes an international sporting event.

Typing some stuff in…

Well, so far, no contributions to Light the Night – the walk for Leukemia & Lymphoma that I’ll be doing on Thursday. Alas! You folks really are all donated out, aren’t you? 🙂

So anyhoo, my poor addiction is sucking at my very marrow, but I don’t care. Gonna play more City of Heroes after I finish this post (and catch up on my FList). Yesterday, work, CoH, supper & Monk, CoH, bed. Today, work, CoH, supper & Monk, CoH, bed. Tomorrow, work, CoH, supper & Monk, CoH, bed. It’s coming to be my schedule. Thank goodness I’ve scheduled myself to walk on Thursday. Might go back into safety mode after that, however. (It’s weird how I get into an antisocial funk for awhile. Not disagreeable to be around or anything. Just prefer to return home to my kitty and bury myself in my computer. Then I’ll get into the “must go OUT AND DO STUFF” mode for awhile.)

The other night, I had another celebrity filled dream. This one starred Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy. Davison was playing the part of a businessman on a space station who’s killed his wife and trying to get away with it. Sylv is playing the guy who runs the space station & is trying to discover who dun it. A key clue is the reflection off of Davison’s bald patch… (Yeah, didn’t make any sense to me either.) Some of the time in the dream, I’m watching the movie, in other parts, I’m watching the making of. And then there was a scene with a guy who looked like a VERY old Davison and I’m telling dad how amazed at how badly he’s aged.

My brain – see, it’s warped! Must go have a replacement. Maybe one that doesn’t get addicted to City of Heroin. 🙂

My Strange Catholic Church/Tomorrow People Dream

To preface this, I’ll state that I have never been to a Catholic Mass, full, half, or otherwise. (So who knows WHERE this came from in my dream.)

Anyhoo, in this dream, I was going to a convention that had four of the stars from The Tomorrow People in attendance. Nicholas Young (John), Mike Holloway (Mike), Misako Koba (Tsui Tai), and Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth). Of course, I was going to see Elizabeth (as seen in my icon). My good & dear friends elsaf & judiang were there as well, because we support each others fan obsessions, whether we understand them or not. 🙂

So, where is this convention being held? In a Catholic Church after a half-Mass service. (OK, so what was I smoking before bed?) We arrived before the service and you were supposed to sit in the pews in front of the guest star you most wanted to see. Unsurprisingly, the pews in front of Nick & Elizabeth were fuller than those in front of the other two. The church itself was freakin’ HUGE. It looked a little like the UCC in Dayton which used to host PFLAG meetings – huge choir stall behind the big altar. But this church was even bigger. And rather dwarfed the number of attendees.

The first thing that happened was some grand music played, and various people from the audience got up and posed at the front of the church in some sort of Nativity scene. The girls and I were rather perplexed by this – how did people know where to stand? But we figured it was probably something done every Sunday and folks knew where to go. After this invocation, it was time for the talent show.

There were a couple of biddies near me gossiping about the first person to show off his talents. They didn’t approve of him because his mother had come out as lesbian and they just didn’t approve. I tapped the lady who was bitching and said “Oi!” but she gave me a stern look and went back to gossiping.

So they bring out the church’s horse (which anyone can use during the talent show, of course) and this young man proceeds to do some jumping up onto and off of the horse tricks. They’re really pathetic, but the girls and I clap loudly to spite the two biddies.

The next couple of talent show spots don’t go as planned and there’s a huge lull in the service. And eventually people start gathering and talking and the celebs go out to the audience (which now looks more like a bunch of beds rather than pews). But they get sent downstairs to the meeting rooms before I get up the gumption to go talk to Elizabeth.

We girls head down after realizing nothing else is going to happen in the service and are sitting around waiting. (The meeting hall, BTW, resembles the typical university lounge area with little stations of comfy chairs & sofas.) Eventually the convention organizers decide to let the stars meet with the people and I wake up. So, as often happens in my rare “meet the celebs” dreams, I never did get to meet Elizabeth. Heh.