The Time for Food

Well, this was the weekend for Fall Fair at school and Oktoberfest in Minster. So of course, I’ve been to both of them. And then to top it all off, Indian’s Pizza had their Open House tonight. Ideally, I won’t have to eat for another week…

I had the pulled pork dinner last night at Fall Fair which consisted of the pulled pork sandwich, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, applesauce, and pecan pie. Yummy! After I watched the band performance, I had apples with caramel dip. Also yummy! The Class Challenge (formerly called Farm Olympics) was entertaining as always. During the limbo competition we all discovered that one of the senior boys can limbo like a champ. Indeed, that win along with several others got the senior class their third win of their careers.

After staying up late playing City of Heroes with judiang, I got up late this morning. And got off to the Lake late thanks to the kitties hiding my keys from me. But when I got there, the folks and I headed for Oktoberfest. We immediately went to the food tents and got brats mit kraut. We also shared a large French fries between us and mom & I split a Lemon Shake Up. Yummy – best brat of the festival season.

We shopped in the various craft tents for nearly an hour. (And it was hellishly hot – goes to show our shopping devotion.) I got a $10 t-shirt and a Minster Oktoberfest glass mug (which I always get – I have a nice collection of mugs now). One of my co-workers was there selling her glass pendants & artwork. Her son (who’s one of my senior boys) was also there. Mom and I each bought a pendant. Mine’s a cool purple color.

We returned to the cottage where dad & I stayed in the A/C and napped. Mom braved the heat of the 3-season room. But after my nap was done, I decided to head home. I had an Open House to attend.

I drove right to the restaurant (since it’s on the north side of town) and got in before 6pm. The place was pretty full, but I found a table with no problem. For the Open House, they had a buffet. So I got to sample several types of pizza and subs. And they even had some dessert pizzas. Very tasty!

Needless to say, I’m still not hungry. Heh. Tomorrow maybe I’ll eat sparingly. (Ah, I can only wish!)

Fall Fair ’06

Last year, I wrote a pretty good description of Fall Fair and the Farm Olympics, so if anyone isn’t sure what I’m talking about, go ahead and read last year’s post.

I decided to watch the band perform this year, so I headed out earlier than I did last year. I like the band show. I know some of the students were complaining because the music was written for them, rather than being a compilation of popular tunes. The trouble with popular tunes is the cost for licensing. I think the music was quite good and the band did a very nice job. They do Senior Night for marching band during Fall Fair as well, so I got to see my seniors and their parents get honored.

I visited all of the stalls and bought a few things from the clubs selling. I got some apples with caramel sauce (yum) and later a piece of cherry pie (also yum). Since we’d had our county tech meeting today, I was still full from lunch (El Sombrero) so I didn’t get the pork dinner that they serve.

When it was nearly time for the Farm Olympics (aka Class Challenge), I was asked to be a judge (to make sure the student judge didn’t cheat – each team had a student judge from their class, but also one staff member as a judge). So I got to judge the Freshmen. They had some new events this evening. My favorite was Musical Chairs. 32 high schoolers trying to sit in 31 chairs is a funny sight. And it only got better after that. Especially cuz the person running the music was slightly sadistic. I think they only broke 2 folding chairs during the event. Not too bad. 🙂

The juniors, who were the reigning champions, and the seniors were extremely competitive in tonight’s competition. I was pleased to see the Freshman not always come last. Indeed, during the bit where they had to make baskets (basketball), they came in first. The final score had the Sophomores last (by only 1 point), then Freshmen third, Juniors second, and Seniors first. I was tired from laughing so much.

My goal is to have a nice relaxing fall weekend. The weather is going to cooperate nicely with that plan. 🙂